nnuut's Account Talk

Funny thing though, this may be a turn around or a drop off of the cliff, but I had this sudden urge to go 100% "S" today but remembered I have no IFTs left! With QE2 expiring who knows, I'm glad I'm stuck in the "G"!

I was so indecisive today as well and almost pulled the trigger to go back to the S fund as well...I still have an IFT left though. I would like to use it to put me back in the market before June and if I am calculating this right I have one more day to do it on Tuesday. I need to start riding some of the waves because I am sitting negative because I keep buying and selling at the wrong times, but I guess that's what happens when you are learning.
With the VIX back into the 15 level (15.65) and the water temperature so tempting perhaps it's time for mom and pop to buck up and get invested. How close to Dow 14,000 do we have to get before their anxiety levels of fear in missing the next year of this bull has to get.
With the VIX back into the 15 level (15.65) and the water temperature so tempting perhaps it's time for mom and pop to buck up and get invested. How close to Dow 14,000 do we have to get before their anxiety levels of fear in missing the next year of this bull has to get.
How would I know, I'm just a nnuut?:cool:

June 1, 2011, 12:01 a.m. EDT
Why the bulls are set up for a fall in June

Commentary: The end of quantitative easing matters a lot

By Thomas Kee

LA JOLLA, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Analysts have in the last month and I’m sure will keep on proclaiming in future articles the continuance of the bull market with or without quantitive easing.
Some will say that the end of QE2 will not matter to continued increases in the market. If you are an analyst, let me be the first not only to tell you that it will matter but also to prove why it matters more now than it might have had this same situation existed five or 10 years ago. And it has nothing to do with debt.
Before delving into the why, any bull in this environment is set up for a fall.

In summary, I am aggressively short, I will continue to short the peaks, and I expect to profit handsomely during the down cycle that will continue. This is not a normal weak economic cycle, and investors who have succumbed to the “stimulus bubble” will be hurt more badly than those who were hurt either by the Internet or credit bubbles.
You got my knees knockin - but June is a big dividend month for me so bring on the pain. Give me lower prices, please.
If today ends to the upside and tomorrow does the same I probably will IFT out of the "G" to what ever fund is is doing the best! Stock-chart-2.gif