nnuut's Account Talk

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

65% "G",10% "C", 10% "S, 15% "I" COB today.
Just a little taste.;)
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

100% "G" COB today.
Now that was a PANIC MOVE, Freakin' me out! Must control myself, just a "chicken little" I guess, Pluck Pluck Chic Chic.
This FED rate thing is messing up my old brain. If the economy looks good (the rate MAY go up) and the market falls. If inflation is under control the markiet will rally and the Fed may not raise rates, unless it cools off too much!!! then the market will fall. What kind of thinking is that? Just stop it PLEASE!!:mad:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

I know, I know Birch! You're a fine young man for being so kind.:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Well, well you never know my panic move may work out OK! We will SEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Monday.:confused:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Ya know the market is kinda like life. Today was one of those market days. You know, a frog farts in Iran and the market turns to sh--t. A lady Friend of mine, who's late husband (a friend of mine) asked me if I could B-BBQ some pork for a party she is having tomorrow. I agreed and she brought over 9 pork roasts (butts and shoulders). I'm gonna smoke these big boys down. Had the smoker going and a thunderstorm was on it's way, so I put two ladders on each side and and supported a piece of plywood with two 2 by 4s and screwed them down. Good plan to keep the rain off of the smoker!!! Then the thunderstorm, hail and 65 miles an hour winds came!!! Was I planning for that? NO! The ladders and the plywood ended up in the pool along with the concrete block I put on top of the plywood. I retrieved the stuff out of the pool and continued the smoking. kinda like the market, you never know what's going to happen.????????? Life is GRAND!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Sorry, I think I need to back off the Cabernet Sauvignon a bit!!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

You don't find to many BBQist in Boiled Peanut Georgia that drink Cabernet Sauvignon! White wine is for tree hugger, California liberals. OPPS-- sorry!
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

lol Well this is one tree burner that wishes he was help'n ya. Have a good night and don't sample to much.:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Well, it's 08:30 AM and all is fine. The Pig Meat smoked all night long and is falling off the bone so everything worked out great. :D I'm still finishing them off right now, party starts at 2:00 Pm so plenty of time to PULL them apart and add a little sauce to some of it the rest I leave as smoked, I like that better. HOPE IT Doesn't RAIN!!!!!!!!!:nuts:
I made a little money yesterday too, not bad!:p
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

What do you think about Show-me! Sounds like he should get into investments. An electric fishing knife?............:nuts:

BTW, How did your BBQ turn out?