nnuut's Account Talk

made some good deer chili for office about 11 # went fast time to roast some tires tonight if it dont rain:suspicious: setting on the G lilly have a good weekend, chill a glass for me:D(made a penny ):D time for the good stuff tonight G L Nnnuut
made some good deer chili for office about 11 # went fast time to roast some tires tonight if it dont rain:suspicious: setting on the G lilly have a good weekend, chill a glass for me:D(made a penny ):D time for the good stuff tonight G L Nnnuut

r we still figuring the penny will pay monday ????

Yeah CC gotta relax sometime, thats my plan. Gonna burn some meat this weekend. Have a good one.

GUCHI. I think it should be monday if it follows the last 2 weeks, the Penny paid on the 6th day. Best of luck!

Took off from work early today, should have just toughed it out!

Durable goods, housing data are all positive!
Yeah SURE!!! I have a strange feeling about these numbers. Just seem to come at the right time, when everyone knows that housing is in the pits and if housing is up of course durable goods is too.
BOY was I BLINDSIDED by that one!

Sorry my computer has been having a hissy fit or something. Optical Mouse died, unable to find Secondary Master drive, had to replace the cable. What's next?
Wonder what's on TAP for tonight?:D

Miss my Wheel Mouse see Ya later it's to Office Depot for me!!
View attachment 1994
Won't you be surprised if this has mostly been media hype? What I mean is overhyped negative attention without merit - just fear of fear.
Not really Birch I've thought about that possibility. We all know someone is pulling our strings most of the time!!:nuts:
Me too! Blindsided by that one.

But you know, those reports were for July which was before the subprime/credit panic really hit the market hard. Therefore, those reports are virtually meaningless! Just wait until the August numbers come out. :worried:
You are correct it is for July, but wouldn't you think that the Market would have figured that out and disregarded it? Too complicated for a southern boy I guess?:D
Took off from work early today, should have just toughed it out!

Durable goods, housing data are all positive!
Yeah SURE!!! I have a strange feeling about these numbers. Just seem to come at the right time, when everyone knows that housing is in the pits and if housing is up of course durable goods is too.
BOY was I BLINDSIDED by that one!

Sorry my computer has been having a hissy fit or something. Optical Mouse died, unable to find Secondary Master drive, had to replace the cable. What's next?
Wonder what's on TAP for tonight?:D

Miss my Wheel Mouse see Ya later it's to Office Depot for me!!
View attachment 1994

I was blindsided also Nnutt. We cannot always be right. Things are looking very good for the markets right about now, and they have been all week.

I would have thought with today's news we would have had a pullback.

I am comfortable making >5K this week. Biggest week I've had all year. I didn't want to go into this market long over the weekend.

Tomorrow morning we leave from our vacation back to the homestead. I had a great time, but now reality is setting in with all the work I have to do at home including picking up my 14+ year old lab tomorrow from the vet.

I think OSM's are going to do great Sunday night which will continue this rally on monday. :notrust:

I'm out of the market and wish I would have been in! For everyone in congradulations on MAKING MONEY. :D
Yes, in order to be right all the time you'd have to cheat! Wish I knew how. The beach sounds good, wish I could go, guess I'll just have to settle for my Pool. The water looks really good from the Florida room, water is 90 degrees but feels cool when it's 102 outside. I lost our Black Lab about 6 Months ago she was 15, best dog I ever had.
My Puter was down for about 5.5 hours, I missed the economic numbers this morning, Got-ER-Going now.

Now let's see, get the brisket, marinate, drink a beer, clean the grill, jump in the pool, get another cool one. OH the things a man has to do, just to survive.:laugh:
It's all Green Here!!!:D
That's tempting, but already replaced her with one of my daughter's dogs, SAMSON. Mixed Pit, but a good dog, good looking too!!!:D Keeps the BOOGERS out of the yard!!:suspicious: I still think Labs are the best!
Let's see where was I? Oh yeah, stoke up the smoker.:laugh:
Nnutt and Paladin, and many others....

You guys are great. I really like this site. There are tolerance levels that are adherred too.

Everyone is very nice and are tolerant of each other.

Lab's are the best IMO. I am very distressed over knowing 'Buddy - MY Lab' Our family will have to put down soon, even right before school 'possibly but I think He's got another 6 months in him'. I am waiting 'until I know' having been through this before with a german shepard that we had to put down after 14 year's 7 month's, she just could not get on her feet at all for 2 day's.

Market's IMO ended great today... OSMs will rally 'BIG' sunday night, honestly though monday is going to be interesting... USA - Markets dictate all the market's it seems... Everything seems up at this point....
i had to chime in with the rest of the lab lovers !!!! my yellow (buddy ) is the best , smartest dog i ever had. he's 7-8 years old and moving slow but he gis very loyal. wants to be around the family. i was in I for 30% F 70% should had listened to ebb, i usually do. been trying to play it safe lately. in for 80% for monday , let the I roll !!!! gl all enjoy the weekend.
You seem like a great guy, anyone that loves dogs can't be a bad person. Our Lab, Shadow had the benign tumor thing that they get. She went blind and we kept her because she wasn't in that much pain. She walked into the pool a couple of times when we weren't watching, but swam to the steps and walked out. She got to where it was almost impossible to get up, but she did, then she became incontinent and we had to put her down. One of the hardest things I've done, she still obeyed,knew us all by voice, but had to go. Why are the men the ones to do the dirty work?:(
CATs SUCK! Just made some enemies!:laugh:
I DIDN'T Mean it!!! :worried:

Oh! finished browning the mean, it's in the smoker!!!
I too am a Black Lab owner. My 2 girls(sisters) are 14 1/2. Had their mother for 13 years. Best and smartest dogs there ever was. Never have had a bad day with them. I have cats too, but there is really no comparison.
You always make me hungry when I read your posts. How do you eat all of that food? I'd be as big as a house!!
Yes, I love labs, never had a bad one. Cats are for killin' rats, thier sweet sometimes, but don't have a heart, just instinct. Yes, I cook a lot but we have kids and Friends that scrape up the leftovers, party on!!
Almost ready. I'm rushing this one usually smoke them for about 9 hours. My lips are smackin'!
View attachment 1996
my 8 year old lab does not see very good either i heard its a hereditery thing. he seems to be happy and content as long as when u start the truck , he goes. again great dog !! labs rule !!!
my 8 year old lab does not see very good either i heard its a hereditery thing. he seems to be happy and content as long as when u start the truck , he goes. again great dog !! labs rule !!!
I was told that lots of Labs get the tumor thing when they get old. Started with one on one of her hind legs. After she had them on her neck chest and I guess her brain, lost her site one day, very quick. The tumors didn't cause her pain but just kept growing, nothing can be done, sad.:(
Still 100% "G" waiting for an entry point after the RETEST, if we have one!!:D IF IF IF IF IF IF!!:confused:
Looks like we are about to the point (Tuesday through Thursday) to either blast through the 50 DMAs or dive for a retest of the low. If not, now they think at the upper Bollinger band, which is at about 1500 for the SPX. Let's just GET IT OVER for gosh sakes!! DIVE, DIVE, DIVE!!!!!!!
View attachment 2011