Hello everyone, I have been a TSP investor for about 17 years. Started out as a Federal Employee when I was 20. I did not even know what a 401K or the TSP was, but one of the old timers came over to me and practically forced me to contribute. Since then, I have either been on active duty or working as a Federal employee contributing from both incomes and therefore, have both a civilian and military account. From the time I started investing, it did not take long for me to see my ignorance when it came to savings and investing, but I have taken many strides since then. One point I have definitely learned was that I was lucky to have started investing at a young age. Like most people on the forum here, I am interested in learning more, having another resource, and reading other's investment perspectives. I have a goal of reaching more than a million dollars in my TSP account. 17 years ago, I would never have thought it could have happened, but now I can see the process working. I just want to get there sooner rather than later.