nasa1974's Account Talk

Something that needs to be read and comments to be made.

"TSP's market funds bloom in May 06/02/08 Small and common stocks post the largest gains for the month."

This was posted on Actually a good article but how many of us had the opportunity to take advantage of these profits.

GL to all in June. Use your 2 IFT's wisely.

May the force be with you.
I just posted this on We really need to do something to educate our TSP brothers and sisters.

"I am glad to see the FRTIB finally put the brakes on Day Traders.
Daniel Posted June 3, 2008 12:00 PM"

Daniel, Why are you glad? What few members of the TSP that may have "day traded" really did not cost us that much money. Do some homework. I believe (and if I am wrong I will be corrected) Barclays has probably cost us more money than any of the day traders. These supposed day traders where doing nothing wrong or illegal. The FRTIB gave all of us the ability to day trade if we wanted to. So they did nothing wrong for a few years until Barclay's was almost unable to cover a large transaction made in late 2007 (by less than 1000 members out of a million plus). Then all of a sudden it was illegal to make more than four IFT's a month. Get your facts Daniel. I have had the opportunity to talk with some of these accused day traders. They have educated themselves on how the market operates and made IFT's intelligently. Remember these TSP members are dedicated military and federal employees. Most of them are FERS and depend on the TSP as their primary retirement. Why not offer us the opportunity to improve our retirement fund in order to live comfortably after government service. I would have to guess that some of our brothers and sisters have been able to enhance their TSP to over 500K because the FRTIB allowed us to have more than two IFT's per month. Now because the FRTIB has restricted us to two IFT's per month, many of us will NEVER have a chance to improve our retirement fund close to 500K or beyond. Well so much for a comfortable retirement, and we have the FRTIB to thank for that. So, Daniel explain to me why you are glad that the "day traders" have been stopped?
I'm wondering if Daniel was just being sarcastic. I'm waiting for your response (AND MINE)
to be published. I tried to write but got no response too. Just a pile of crap.
As I said in my comments; SMOKE & MIRRORS !

:mad: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :mad: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:mad:
To everybody that had the guts to make a move this week my hat is off to you. Some nice profits where made. Today is looking to be a fund buster. I am still sitting in G. Just not comfortable making a move yet. I wish we had more than 2 IFT's. Then we could follow the trends a bit better. Maybe we can convince the FTRIB to let us save up our IFT's since it looks like we will not get more than 2 a month. :rolleyes: You know, like if I do not use my 2 IFT's for June I can save them for July. Kind of like my rollover minutes on my cell phone that AT&T lets me do.:D Just a thought.

May the force be with you.
To everybody that had the guts to make a move this week my hat is off to you. Some nice profits where made. Today is looking to be a fund buster. I am still sitting in G. Just not comfortable making a move yet. I wish we had more than 2 IFT's. Then we could follow the trends a bit better. Maybe we can convince the FTRIB to let us save up our IFT's since it looks like we will not get more than 2 a month. :rolleyes: You know, like if I do not use my 2 IFT's for June I can save them for July. Kind of like my rollover minutes on my cell phone that AT&T lets me do.:D Just a thought.

May the force be with you.
That was one of the suggestions in comments submitted to the proposed rule. TWO PER MONTH = 26 PER YEAR. Instead of PER MONTH, make it 26 IFT's, to be used as desired, with unlimited transfers to G. That would give US, rather than Barclays, control of our funds. Better yet would be 52 per year (based on 1 per week - but you don't have to do them weekly). Also suggested was extending the IFT cutoff time to 5PM COB. Limited IFT's severely handicaps our ability to maximize our profits. Allowing IFT's at least up to market closing would help.
The way the market is going it is almost impossible to do any trending. The day traders are killing us. I wanted jump on board the ship earlier this month but just didn't feel comfortable. Listening and reading to what everyone is saying my guess is that there may be two up days this week yet to happen. Next week may follow the same trend as the last two weeks. One maybe two good days followed by 3-5 poor days. But not all the funds are doing it at the same time. With two IFT's you almost have to calculate one good move for the month and then go to G for safety until the next month. In reality the FRTIB has slapped us with only one good move a month. Restricting or profits and increasing our losses. That is my spin. :sick:

GL to all. May the force be with you. :cool:
Went out on the limb. I have left the lilly pad. Playing a gut feeling and used my first IFT to go 50% G and 50% I. This is going to be on a short lease. One day maybe two at the most then back into the G for the month. Not warm fuzzies for the C and S. Anyway the Nikkei looked good today and most of the European markets looked good early. My gut says play the long shot for tomorrow in the I. I have my 2% number all set and I don't like it but I can live with it. Wish me luck. :cool:
Well It looks like I was a day early. My gut must be in a different time zone :nuts: Lost a few bucks yesterday in the I fund. Jumped out of I and went 10% C/S yesterday and today jumped back into the G today. So I will wait it out like a lot of other members. Feel OK about it though. My paycheck contribution to the G softened the blow. :D Today I should see a little profit as long as the late naysayers do not screw things up. :D I guess that is all I can ask for, a small profit is better than a small loss. :cool:
GL to all. May the force be with you.
Posted this on luv2read's account also.

This was posted today on This is just another finger pointing at the FTRIB and why they punished us by taking away our IFT's. They where protecting Barclays not us and this article anly shows more proof of their actions. Now that Barclays is going to be more stable we should be pushing the FTRIB to give us some of our IFT's back.

Barclays plans to raise $8.9 billion

British bank says the cash will bolster its position after subprime losses. Qatari and Japanese investors are interested.
Posted this on luv2read's account also.

This was posted today on This is just another finger pointing at the FTRIB and why they punished us by taking away our IFT's. They where protecting Barclays not us and this article anly shows more proof of their actions. Now that Barclays is going to be more stable we should be pushing the FTRIB to give us some of our IFT's back.

Barclays plans to raise $8.9 billion

British bank says the cash will bolster its position after subprime losses. Qatari and Japanese investors are interested.

I said way back in one of my early post that I thought Barclay's was the one pulling the wool over our eyes and pressuring the FTRIB and I still feel that way. They didn't like the fact that we were moving money in and out of their funds and they want to stop us.:)
I said way back in one of my early post that I thought Barclay's was the one pulling the wool over our eyes and pressuring the FTRIB and I still feel that way. They didn't like the fact that we were moving money in and out of their funds and they want to stop us.:)
Me too...and Miss Piggy, and ....everyone...

see this:

Barclays and FRTIB are supposed to be smart money managers; couldn't they see ahead that limiting IFT's would COST, profit-wise? We saw it, told them, but they didn't listen.:mad:
Forgive me for asking - but a question that's always been hanging in my mind - & never made sense, is:
-why is OUR Federal employees TSP invested in a Foreign bank in the first place?
I realize we are in a global market now, but forgive me questioning the wisdom here (& thinking is wrong), but I just can not comprehend why OUR money - isn't being put into, and helping one of, "OUR" own U.S. banks? :blink:
There must be some "U.S." banks still "owned" by U.S. investors - or are they just managed within the U.S.?
Hope we are not this far gone -just trying to understand the question above... :rolleyes:
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Forgive me for asking - but a question that's always been hanging in my mind - & never made sense, is:
-why is OUR Federal employees TSP invested in a Foreign bank in the first place?
I realize we are in a global market now, but forgive me questioning the wisdom here (& thinking is wrong), but I just can not comprehend why OUR money - isn't being put into, and helping one of, "OUR" own U.S. banks? :blink:
There must be some "U.S." banks still "owned" by U.S. investors - or are they just managed within the U.S.?
Hope we are not this far gone -just trying to understand the question above... :rolleyes:
Low bidder gets the contract, and it's open to the world.
Low bidder gets the contract, and it's open to the world.

WoW, Can that be the reason? It is most likely true -and thanks for the answer! But, IT IS SCARY!! Next some China, or Iranian bank may be managing our TSP (with a low-ball bid)? I suppose FAR regulations would prohibit this - I certainly hope so! :blink:
WoW, Can that be the reason? It is most likely true -and thanks for the answer! But, IT IS SCARY!! Next some China, or Iranian bank may be managing our TSP (with a low-ball bid)? I suppose FAR regulations would prohibit this - I certainly hope so! :blink:
Yes it is the reason. long as it's not a prohibited contractor they can bid. The RFPs are on TSP website. You can FOIA the contract too - interesting but boring read - if that makes sense.