nasa1974's Account Talk

Yesterday was a good day for those in the "I" fund. Just a small loss for those in the "C & S" funds.

Everyone have a safe and fun Thanksgiving and weekend. Enjoy family and friends.
Yesterday was an interesting day. It looks like the market reacted to the N. Korea missile launch and then to the tax bill moving forward. Putting on a fresh pair of sticky pants.

Good luck everyone.
TSP investing

TSP Participants Are Leaving Money on the Table, Fund Changes, and More - Pay & Benefits Watch - Pay & Benefits -

TSP Participants Are Leaving Money on the Table, Fund Changes, and More

"Officials at the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings plan said Tuesday that some employees are actually investing too much of their paychecks, and as a result they’re leaving money on the table.

Geoffrey Nieboer, the Thrift Savings Plan’s chief of business intelligence, told members of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, which governs the TSP, that every year, several thousand federal workers cease contributing to their accounts because they have hit their annual cap on pre-tax investments..."
Re: Mesmerizing NASA Simulation

Part of that problem of people investing too much into TSP and maxing out before the end of the year is due to the government separating catch-up contributions from regular contributions instead of just increasing the limit for people over 50 as is done with IRAs. If you are a seasonal employee you can't make catch-up contributions while making regular contributions that only max out at the end of the year because you may be furloughed by then and not able to reach the cap. If you don't reach the cap by the end of the year your catch-up contributions are returned to you lump sum. It's a real Rube Goldberg setup trying to maximize your contribution while also maximizing your matching. I wish they would just increase the limit the way IRAs are handled.
I have attached the monthly returns for December. There have been some really good years and some bad years. No real pattern.

Will we see a Santa Rally? I hope so but not real confident.

Too much happening in Washington to give me a big warm fuzzy, Tax reform, budget ceiling, government shutdown and how far down the road are they going to kick the can this time.

I think we all need some luck this month.

View attachment December.xlsx
Re: Net Neutrality

So with 2018 looming in the background what are your plans for investing in the TSP?

2017 hasn't been a bad year for the "Buy and Hold" folks (no IFT's).

The "I" fund is the winner so far at 23.44% but is in the middle as far as increase dollars per share. It started the year at $24.6018 per share and so far it is at $30.369 per share. An increase of $6.7672 per share.

The "C" fund is sitting at 20.49% but has had the lowest per share increase so far. It started at $30.8727 and ended November at $37.1975. An increase of $6.3248 per share.

The "S" fund is sitting at 17.67% so far but has had the largest dollar per share increase compared to "C" & "I". The "S" fund started at $40.996 per share and ended November at $48.2398 per share. That's an increase of $7.2438 per share.

So what are you to do?

However, if you look at the AutoTracker top 300 there are folks that have not made an IFT for the year and are not 100% "I" or "C". These folks have varied percentages in "GCS&I" in different combinations. Yet their annual percentage is 18.69% to 22.65%. The majority in the top 300 have not made any IFT's for the year and yet aren't much better or worse than those that have made double digit IFT's for the year.

What does it mean? I don't know? We all have our comfort zone and maybe a little bit of luck. So who is taking the biggest risk? The person that has made 23 IFT's for the year or the one that decides they are comfortable and has let it ride for the year.

I just thought it was interesting to look at how varied our investing has been for the year.
Dang I keep forgetting to change the title line. The last one came up "Net Neutrality" and had nothing to do with it.:o

Guess I will have to try and pay more attention to my posts. :rolleyes:
Unless we get a rally this afternoon I will be giving everything I made in November back today. So much for starting off the month on a positive note. ;swear
Still 2 hours to go and anything can happen. Definitely looking better then it was around noon. Not the way I was hoping to end the week and start off a new month. :notrust:
Well if this market keeps drifting south the profits made in November will disappear. Unless we have one heck of a Santa rally I'll miss my "hope to get to mark" for 2017.

Sticky pants firmly in place but I'm not enjoying the ride.
Nice recovery yesterday.

Hopefully we can finish out the week in positive territory.

Now that the can has been kicked down the road for two more weeks maybe the Santa rally will start. :rolleyes:
Re: TSP investing

Well the "C & I" funds did well yesterday. Not sure why the "S" fund is struggling but a plus .03% is better than a negative number. Let's hope today is a little better.

Good luck everyone.
Re: Mesmerizing NASA Simulation

I'm working on my Excel 2018 TSP spreadsheet. I hope to have it finished this weekend. It is to large to post so if anyone is interested PM me with your email address and I will send it to you when it's finished.