Watch out for the Gold Bugs and Doomers...
The Gold Bugs are right - right now. But what about 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Or 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.
The Doomers have been predicting our demise for as long. They are right - right now. And, some of them documented the reasons for the recent failure. Some (Taleb, Schiff) noted the bubbles and complex risky investments. They are worth listening to, but they will be Dooming in the middle of the next big boom too. Doom and Doomer.
When President Obama realizes that Nancy Pelosi is not as smart as she looks he will hopefully find better help. Heck, there are probably lots of economists looking for work. They may work for food if Obama is slow to realize the talents of Pelosi and Reid.
Yes Boghie,
there is always someone willing to lead you down the path you want to go. I see a whole new set of circumstances developing here though as far as gold goes. I think gold has a long way to go with pullbacks along the way of course. I think gold will get stupid this year, the fear hasn't even started yet. We shall see, I'm putting some money where my mouth is

This is not just your average Doom.
A truly astounding event has taken place in the last several years. The public, the captains of industry, and the investment community have been exposed (if not victimized) by a great financial black hole. Of course, the bond industry has been at its center, selling securitized debt as bonds, laced with fraud, improperly linked to property titles, blessed by false debt ratings. Focus instead on the Collateralized Debt Obligation, a leveraged instrument with a bond core. The CDO has been a remarkably destructive device acting like a black hole in more perfect form than anything seen in modern history. It took future financial revenue streams, locked them into a bond security, leveraged it up five-fold, slapped on a few credit derivatives like inadequate bandaids and bandages, and sold them as CDO bonds. The credit derivatives served only to fool the public, and satisfy the debt rating agencies, enough to approve with a ‘AAA’ rating. The streams of revenue came from mortgages, as well as other diverse businesses, like from car loans, aircraft leases, and even from movie box offices. So the CDO bond sucked in future revenue, enabled vast bond trades, doled out hefty fees to Wall Street, and contributed to the financial sector destruction. The wealth and value of corporate entities that once were in possession of these future revenues streams have been lost. Their lack of liquidation means the drainage continues from future revenue, and future wealth continues to be destroyed. The active CDO trading bought a lunch, a paycheck, and a bonus for a corrupt Wall Street employee. Until liquidated, the CDO bonds continue to act, sucking value from the future. THINK BLACK HOLE! The fight against such a powerful force will send gold upward in price, not downward. The deflationist knuckleheads have it backwards, and have failed to notice that gold has risen in price since November."
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