mlk_man's account talk

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Show-me wrote:
Seem's like that :@I fund hoses us every time we jump back in. What to do?
I don't know..........HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

I might go to the G fund for a couple days and get the penny.
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I think I'll sit tight and continue my pain. I have 50% in the G waiting for a pull back in the C & S.
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I still think the I fund has a little catching up to do, even with the big gain yesterday. If the SP500 cannot break through 1190 today, tomorrow could be a down day. If the S fund has another day of gains ( four in a row ), it's due for adown day. Over seas markets are all up, but the dollar is stronger. This would probably be a good day to run to G fund without encountering a loss.All the chartshave started an upward trend. There are those in the herd who don't want to miss out and will jump in. The trend is your friend. It's may be a good time to buy the dips and sell the highs near the resistent level . Decision ....decision ..... decision.....
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It's going to be a long, long day. But the tape actually feels rather comfortable right now. There is a lot of money circulating around looking to participate-you might not get much of a pull back any time soon. The train is leaving the station and folks will have to run faster and faster to get on. Remember the market doesn't want to take on riders. The old saying stands true-the market wants to take as few people with it on the upside as possible-and take everyone to the downside when it can. Keep control of the emotions-the gut rules- I still think we are entering another secular bull market. And by the way I think I know where Mr Little got off to.

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I'll be moving to 100% F this morning. Figure it's low risk looks like it'll be down today. It's also trending up. We'll see..........

Good luck,

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I'm moving to 100% S this morning looking to buy lower. I hope today is just some profit taking and we'll be back up Monday. If not, then I'll just bolt Monday. I thought about going to G and get the penny Mon. or Tues., but decided to stick with S. To heck with that I fund!!

Good luck,

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I'm moving to 100% S this morning looking to buy lower. I hope today is just some profit taking and we'll be back up Monday. If not, then I'll just bolt Monday. I thought about going to G and get the penny Mon. or Tues., but decided to stick with S. To heck with that I fund!!

Good luck,

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No move today. I see some are taking bets how long I'll be in the S fund. Put the money on ..............................................oops, insider information, sorry. :P
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This is a chart of the NYSE which is mostly institutional money. Which way do you think we are "most likely" to go at this point? Notice the head shoulders?

Risky time, be careful.............

Good luck,

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The contrarian says blast right on up through 7450 - no need to play around - let's get moving. Money to be made.
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mlk_man wrote:
This is a chart of the NYSE which is mostly institutional money. Which way do you think we are "most likely" to go at this point? Notice the head shoulders?

Risky time, be careful.............
I noticed that about the NYSE. Hadme puzzled asthe S&P 500, Dow and Nasdaq are not in the same position.Remember back in December oil had a major H&S pattern but the neckline held at 42.5 andended up rallying to near 60.

Be careful is right. But don't get too defensive, in my opinion, until the neckline fails. That would be near6900 on the NYSE (it is a downward sloping neckline).

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mlk_man wrote:
This is a chart of the NYSE which is mostly institutional money. Which way do you think we are "most likely" to go at this point? Notice the head shoulders?

Risky time, be careful.............

Good luck,

So is institutional money considered a better indicator? To me the S&P, for the same time period as the NYSE, looked like a Head and Shoulder pattern was forming. The peak of the right shoulder was very low compared to the left shoulder. This may technically not be considered an H&S pattern because of the extremely low right shoulder. Neck line looked to me like around 1165?

And to your question. I have no idea what the market will do but I will have the finger on the G fund button and trying to keep hope alive. Where ya at Birch? Motivate me! O, and I am watching you and everyone else.

Oil is the BIG factor that is kicking our butts. Inventory, production, capacity, ect. Just when things seem to be going well.......oil prices rise. And that darn I fund............ looks like it will have a good day today. Ahhhh I'm not in the I fund today. Go figure!

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Show-me wrote:
So is institutional money considered a better indicator? To me the S&P, for the same time period as the NYSE, looked like a Head and Shoulder pattern was forming. The peak of the right shoulder was very low compared to the left shoulder. This may technically not be considered an H&S pattern because of the extremely low right shoulder. Neck line looked to me like around 1165?

Institutional money is what Tom refers to as "smart money" I believe. The latest mini rallies on the NYSE have been on low volume so I'm thinking the smart money is just waiting for the dumb money to be fully invested then they'll start selling. I don't expect a major pullback, but a pullback none the less.

Good luck,

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Moving to 100% C this morning. Was going to go 100% S instead, but looks like the C will end lower than the S today so I'll hope to buy it at a lower price. Also, just in case we continue down tomorrow, the S most likely would be lower than the C cause I doubt the C would be lower than the S two days in a row.

JMHO, good luck,

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mlk_man wrote:
Moving to 100% C this morning. Was going to go 100% S instead, but looks like the C will end lower than the S today so I'll hope to buy it at a lower price. Also, just in case we continue down tomorrow, the S most likely would be lower than the C cause I doubt the C would be lower than the S two days in a row.

JMHO, good luck,

TSP won't let me on so I'm staying with 100% F fund looks like. I'll take it as an omen because I was really undecided here. We are 3% over our 50-day moving average with the S fund. Since we've been consolidating and haven't broken out yet, I'm content with it.
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Looks like the TSP office is going to cost me a nice hunk of change today............:U

At least bonds are up too, for now........................
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Show-me wrote:
Sorry Milk,

Me too.:*Would have been perfect timing yesterday!
Not gonna buy high into C or S today and I think yields on bonds can't drop much more than they are now. Sooooooooooooooooo, thinking about going I fund and hope the dollar is set for at least a short term pullback?

Thoughts anyone?
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