mlk_man's account talk

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Got a sell signal but looks like I'm going against the herd. Sure makes it harder to milk em that way................:nuts:
I stayed in too Mike! Loss of too much to sell that 50%S on Friday!! But everyone else is going to I fund today so I did too....monkey see monkey do! GL.
Good luck to you too!! That darn S fund is lagging today so I will probably lose some on my last trade. Bought it at $21.03 and I'm hoping it gets to $21.00 today so there's not too big of a loss. :worried:
Your support line held today.
The S&P hit 1530 (low = 1529.20) and then bounced higher.
If it moves higher on Monday, then you nailed that support line! :)

Well it's bouncing around that 1530 line again. Will it break up or down tomorrow? I'm thinking that tomorrow will be either flat or down. The last data on existing home sales disappointed but Thursday new home sales comes out and it was higher than expected last time. I won't get a buy signal until at least tomorrow anyway so I'm staying in the G. Might get lucky and get the penny tomorrow......;)
Posted this accidently in another members account talk. Thought I was in another thread. My apologies............

"Markets gonna rally today, markets gonna rally this afternoon, markets gonna rally tomorrow. Don't panic, don't panic. This is a great buying op!" How's it a great buying op if you're already fully invested? Like I said a few months ago before my latest bannishment for duck hunting, track record is everything.........

If futures are any indication, my condolences to anyone in the market today. I also just saw that housing and crude inventories were less than expected. Oh boy.............

If futures are any indication, my condolences to anyone in the market today. I also just saw that housing and crude inventories were less than expected. Oh boy.............


Oops, that was yesterday's data. DUH! :blink: Guess there's still hope for today then.
After reading some of tonights comments, I'm thoroughly convinced there are more mentally challenged people working for the government and taking their retirement into their own hands than I once thought. I never thought the L funds were a great idea, but I've changed my mind about them.

I'm this close [ ] to getting banned again apparently so I can't really say much more.

Good luck everyone.
You can speak freely!
Ifn folks don't want others in their Account Talk threads, pls respect.
Ifn it's a general thread, i.e., M.T., Funds, it's all fair game, but please observe the TOS.
There are about a dozen(+) or so folks that see different images! Put them together and U see a better picture. Eliminate one, and U don't see the whole picture.
The L-funds are goood!
Yes, I am mentally challenged. I'm addicted to BBQ, beer, go-get-em-dogs, pretty ladies, and nice looking fishing boats.

After reading some of tonights comments, I'm thoroughly convinced there are more mentally challenged people working for the government and taking their retirement into their own hands than I once thought. I never thought the L funds were a great idea, but I've changed my mind about them.

I'm this close [ ] to getting banned again apparently so I can't really say much more.

Good luck everyone.
Everybody on "Fast Money" on CNBC agreed that if GDP comes anywhere close to predictions, we'll gain everything back tomorrow. Now I'm really worried!!!! :blink:
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