McDuck's Account Talk

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Just stopping in to say howdy...Hope your dad is doing prayers is with him and you...Keep the faith in all that you believe in my friend.

Greg, have you read Johnny Cash's book `the Man in White' ?
Be sure to read the intro part where he tells how he came to write it, and
then about it getting published. He tells a story, honest writing.
I echo Buster's continuing prayers for your dad & your family. :)
If The U.S. Economy Goes Into The Toilet Will It Result In A Complete And Total Collapse Of Society?
Maybe what we need is a quotations booklet that lists all the Uglies that have been said, and condemning, over the past year about the individuals, & then groups, who verbalized they didn't agree with the policies being formed by the Administration, or any objections they voiced about the Administration.
List all comments by each of the TV & radio personalities, by newspapers including their cartoonists, by national groups, such as the unions, the Acorn, the Planned Parenthood, etc., etc. Oh, now, don't forget the ones by your fellow workers & posters.
When that is available, use it for your dissenting voice, just change the name. Then when the Much Desired thought & speech police descend upon us, we can show, we were not original in our statements - it came from them themselves.
Will that work??
I mean, after all, even former president, Bill Clinton, told folks yesterday to start minding their tongues! So we can just use their words - how mindful can we get ?? :toung:
Maybe what we need is a quotations booklet that lists all the Uglies that have been said, and condemning, over the past year about the individuals, & then groups, who verbalized they didn't agree with the policies being formed by the Administration, or any objections they voiced about the Administration.
List all comments by each of the TV & radio personalities, by newspapers including their cartoonists, by national groups, such as the unions, the Acorn, the Planned Parenthood, etc., etc. Oh, now, don't forget the ones by your fellow workers & posters.
When that is available, use it for your dissenting voice, just change the name. Then when the Much Desired thought & speech police descend upon us, we can show, we were not original in our statements - it came from them themselves.
Will that work??
I mean, after all, even former president, Bill Clinton, told folks yesterday to start minding their tongues! So we can just use their words - how mindful can we get ?? :toung:

"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Rodman Clinton April 29, 2003


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