I'm going to ride out the weekend on my TSP. Maybe someone will say something positive again next week lol. With my luck it will plummet though. It would be nice to go into August invested so we will see if I can hang on.
Well, I missed the boat - the ECB said they "really" would buy the tickets - again . . . I didn't believe them - but, the market did and so did a lot of TSP Talk members as measured by their pulling the trigger into equities after the quick drop. Yes, I deliberated over the I fund, but couldn't pull the trigger. The markets have heard the "cry wolf" over and over for the past 2-3 years - and then go home shaking their heads. I could not believe the market would again fall for more empty promises out of europe - but, the ECB chief "really" sounded like he meant it this time - and the market said ok, now we can go out and play safely a little more.
Now the market indexes are back up to a recent hight peak and trend line, and again I can't pull the trigger again - even with new IFT only a few days away.
August 1st, according to some analyst, the US Fed will (and maybe should) cave-in and do a QE-3, or something close in firepower. The problem is food commodities are already going thru the roof and even faster now with the US drought - and, a further devaluation of the dollar has to potential to put them into orbit. And, then there's the "what if the QE3 doesn't work this time?"
Last November, I wrote about timing the monitary mechanism's putting wind into to the market sails into the high cycle. They did nothing . . . but I sucked in a lot of wind. Once again, if I were the US Fed and ECB I would start blowing, now, while things have not deteriorate even further, rather than later when there are even worse headwinds to set sail. Combined US and ECB monitary winds may get the world into the normally high November / December indexes cycle.
And then, there's the PIGS who just can't seem to get themselves out of the mud . . . and Germany who won't come to the table unless the PIGS are clean.
There are lots of people out there that think the US and EU have only enough dry powder for one more effective shot before the hand-basket to heck drops and we are off to the big ride down. Do you take the clear shot now, or do you wait until things are really ugly.
Oh yea, this is an election year and Mitt has already said the Bernake is out, if he's elected. And, the Bernake (making a show of prudence) is the only voting fed hold-out on QE3 trigger.
Maybe gold and oil can snif this one out 'cause I really don't have a clue. What's that, 1.78% in G fund?
Wednesday is August 1!