Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Speculators Panic on Wall Street
Earnings may be peaking in the economy after it emerged from recession earlier this year. Economists at Morgan Stanley, B of A-Merrill Lynch, and Goldman Sachs all slashed their GDP estimates for the third quarter Wednesday.
Wall Street was hit with a rising greenback and that has spurred a brief episode of reality in this maniacal bear market rally. But, it isn't likely to last as the great rationalizers explain away everything that could upset their delicately balanced apple cart of dreams.
The apple cart has been constructed by speculators betting that the massive stimulus provided by government---amounting to a 5.5% addition to nominal GDP---will "jump start" an economy where consumers are being laid off at a rapid rate and banks refuse to lend to businesses to create jobs. Instead, banks prefer to speculate in the currency markets, shorting the greenback and buying Australian Dollars to gain a guaranteed 2% return on money they get from the Fed's printing press for virtually no cost. We live in a criminal society---a lucrative playhouse for the very rich---which is grinding the common man to dust while the super-rich gamble risk-free and continue to live high on the hog. Not since the Middle Ages has there been such a large divide between the elites and the masses. Things really haven't changed substantially since the days of the lords and their serfs.
We are living in "interesting times"---the end of an era as the very rich drive the financial system into chaos and, ultimately, collapse. Looking on the bright side, the end of an era always brings that opportunity to create a better system on top of the ruins of the old.
Cutting Medical Costs
One good way of lowering medical costs which have soared due to excessive tests, generally ordered to satisfy insurance companies and to prevent malpractice suits, would be for the physician to be able to better diagnose the patient's condition while in the examining room, rather than sending the patient to a lab for further tests. So, if someone came up with a device which would allow a doctor to avoid costly tests, it would be a good thing, right?
You would think Obama would favor such a great device, especially if it weren't too expensive and could be used by doctors easily. Such a device would help cut costs and that's what Obama says he's all for, right?
Wrong. When asked to help fast track this new device through the FDA approval process, what did Obama ask for? He asked for a little bit of "change". Over a quarter of a million dollars' worth of change, that is.
Obama's Definition of Change
In the dictionary of the White House, look up the word "change". Here's what you'll find:
change: noun. See synonym at bribe.
Now that we've got that mystery solved, you know what the score is. Welcome to Obama's Chicago Gangland-Style Presidency, taking the highest office in the land straight into the gutter.
Maybe the 30,000,000 Americans currently unemployed should take up a collection to bribe Obama into passing a real stimulus bill---one that creates jobs, instead of rewards for his corporate sponsors.
NASA's Devolution
It was forty years ago when NASA was launching missions to the Moon on giant throw-away booster rockets. Then, they got the bright idea to build a reusable spaceplane---the Shuttle---which would make it cheap and efficient to get into orbit. Now, after all these years, they've decided their fathers had it right after all: throwaway boosters are just the ticket. They launched the first stage of the new Aries 1 rocket Wednesday morning.
Now, any pragmatic engineer will tell you that you build your first model of a new machine so that you can figure out how to do it right the second time around. Instead of going back to old-fashioned boosters, NASA should have designed Shuttle II, a better version of a spaceplane.
By the time NASA fumbles around and gets a new booster in operation, they'll be the laughingstock of the space community. Our bet is on Reaction Engines' SKYLON spaceplane, which is a craft which will be able to takeoff like a jumbo jetliner, fly into space, deliver its cargo, glide back to Earth and land on the same runway it took off from. And, it will be able to be serviced and launch again every couple of days. It will even be able to carry up to 24 passengers into orbit. Designed by laid-off engineers from the canceled HOTOL project, SKYLON has met all of its major technical hurdles and is flush with financing mostly from private sources and a bit from the European Space Agency. Once operational, it will cut the cost of space launches to the point where it will put all existing launchers out of business.
Don't tell NASA. Their policy is to spend lots of taxpayer money reinventing the wheel. At least it keeps engineers employed and that's not all bad, is it? At least they're not throwing it away on bankers.
New Math On Wall Street
Many companies are reporting better-than-expected earnings for the third quarter, but lowering their outlook for the fourth quarter. This fools the journalists into printing headlines touting the improved earnings, but it actually fools very few investors who can do the math. Earnings for this recovery appear to have peaked in the third quarter.