Rise of Corporate Fascism in the United States
Dylan Ratigan likes to call it "Corporate Communism", but that misses a key point: communism is not what we have in this country. What we have is a plutocracy---rule by the rich---essentially, coporate fascism. In fact, as China has so ably demonstrated, a communist state can be very successful if the core values of its leadership are aligned with the core values of its citizens.
Our system has no convergence between the values of its [so-called] leaders and its citizens. Ratigan says,
We find ourselves as a country in two distinctly different categories: those who are forced to compete tooth and nail each day to provide value to society in return for income for ourselves and our families and those who would instead use our lawmaking apparatus to help themselves to our tax money and/or to protect themselves from true competition.
If you allow weak, outdated players to take control of the government and change the rules so they are protected from the natural competition and reward systems that have created so many innovations in our country, you not only steal from the citizens on behalf of the least worthy but you also doom them by trapping the capital that would be used to generate new innovation and, most tangibly in our current situation, jobs.
We are losing the opportunity cost of all the great ideas that should be coming from the proper deployment of that 23.7 Trillion in capital. Everything from innovation in medical delivery systems to accessible space travel, free energy to the driverless car; all of these things may never come to bear because those powerful individuals who have failed, been passed over by technological advancements, innovation and flat-out smarts, have commandeered our government to unfairly sustain their wealth and power.
Indeed, this is exactly what we have in Washington. We have personal experience over the past few months in dealing with the bureaucrats in the Energy Department. These leeches on the government payroll only have one mission: to destroy any innovation in research and development in the field of alternative energy which might threaten the wealth of their corporate masters. Our research has shown that new energy technologies would eliminate not only our dependence upon importing and burning oil as an energy source, but would create millions of new jobs in the production of these new technologies. They have the potential to become America's foremost export products to the rest of the world and would likely restore the country to prosperity. Developing nations, such as China and India, have a voracious appetite for energy and will not be denied when it comes to the choice of voluntarily cutting growth and keeping the environment clean versus adding to the carbon and environmental load on our planet. New carbonless energy technologies are sorely needed everywhere to eliminate the burning of oil to generate energy. But, Obama's Energy Department is diverting Congressional funds appropriated for innovation in order to place them into the hands of corporate fascists who simply look on alternative energy as another competitor to be ruthlessly suppressed in order to maintain their position of power and wealth.
While talking the talk, Obama has walked the line drawn by his fascist controllers instead. His frequent speeches on television communicate that he knows what we need. His actions, however, thwart those goals, making him one of the most blatant hypocrites to ever sit in the Oval Office. In fact, bureaucrats' and politicians' actions in thwarting advances in the field of national energy policy create suspicions, at least where we are concerned, that some could be on the payroll of foreign powers unfriendly to the national security of this country. After all, we send almost a trillion dollars every year to foreign oil producers, many of whom wouldn't be above bribing American politicians in order to maintain their market share. The price of liberty and freedom is eternal vigilance, and it seems that we aren't really paying attention to what has been going on in the field of national energy policy---or, should we say, the lack of a coherent national energy policy. There's only so much incompetence at the highest levels which can be reasonably excused as incompetence (but, of course, there's ample amounts around even if traitors may be in charge in Washington, an assertion we certainly don't have concrete evidence concerning). You'd have to be naive to think that some oil producer and some politician haven't entered into a monetary arrangement at some point.
Ratigan continues . . .
The massive spike in unemployment, the utter destruction of retirement wealth, the collapse in the value of our homes, the worst recession since the Great Depression have all resulted directly from the abdication of proper government.
Even with all that---the only changes that have been made, have been made to prop up and hide the massive flaws on behalf of those who perpetuated them. Still utterly nothing has been done to disclose the flaws in this system, improve it or rebuild it. Only true rules-based capitalism ensures constant adaptation and implementation of the latest and best practices for a given business, as those businesses that don't adapt fail and those who deploy the latest innovations to their customers benefit, prosper.
The concept of Communism is rightly reviled in this country for the simple reason that it is blind to human nature, allowing a small group of individuals near-total control, while sticking everyone else with the same crappy systems---and the bill. America spent countless lives and half a century fighting against this system of government... so why are we standing for it now?
Dylan, it's not communism. It's simply fascism we're dealing with. And, we have become a nation of sheeple willing to put up with any form of tyrany. In Germany, the citizens who did not complain about the excesses of Hitler and his thugs were called "Good Germans". In that sense, we have become a nation of sheep called "Good Americans".