Market Talk / May 21 - 27 II

Looking at the gauges below. Seems we still have some fuel in the torture tank!.....:( ....You'd think it would be close to empty??
James48843 said:
OK Guys- what do you think? Are we going to get a bounce here? Or are we still headed down?
There are a few things that don't bounce very well; cookie dough, peanut butter, etc... They kinda just splatter. I think were going to see more of this coming. :(
This will be the fifth correction we've had since 2004. The others were in the range of 5% to 7%, so we may have the rest of the month to diddle around before the bull trend resumes. The 4 year cycle low is destined to be due October 8 - so there may be more pain later in the year - but it doesn't mean much from a longer term perspective.
Birchtree said:
This will be the fifth correction we've had since 2004. The others were in the range of 5% to 7%, so we may have the rest of the month to diddle around before the bull trend resumes. The 4 year cycle low is destined to be due October 8 - so there may be more pain later in the year - but it doesn't mean much from a longer term perspective.
Hope you're right. The four-year cycle low runs roughly April through September. When TSP investors choose to sit it out, they fare well by the end of that FYCL year; October - December. There are bond & market buying oportunities during the FYCL six month time frame, but the average TSP investor should just sit it out. I recommend the G Fund. If on the other hand you've chosen to play the TSP during the FYCL this year, and lost money... you've got your work cut out to recoup your loss. I hope you do not loose more while trying. Remember you're dealing with TSP here... not a brokerage firm to buy Burger King or Vonage Stock. JMHO. :)
This puppy is moving fast today - did we just place the intraday low on the S&P 500 at 1245? Could very well be the case.
Birchtree said:
This puppy is moving fast today - did we just place the intraday low on the S&P 500 at 1245? Could very well be the case.

Wow... it's recovering rather nicely.

Personally, I need the EFA to recover too.
Hold on to your cheeks for the last 30 minutes - the bears will try to rest control from the bull again. This could be interesting. I'm still out money on the day, but then there is tomorrow.
Daily Yak

The Kingdom of TSP
Daily Edition
May 24, 2006 Closing

Yak, Doodles, Tea Leaves & The Tin Box

Kingdom Yak:
Market Yak..............................Socks dance-the seller shake!
Other Yak................................Lube drops under 70. Gasoline supplies up!
Jester Yak...............................SP stabbed a low at 1245.34

Socks [$SPX] Closed at..............1258.57, up +1.99
Volume (CMF) (money flow).........-0.049, increasing.
Averages (MACD) (trend)............-11.690, decreasing.
Momentum (S-STO) (signal)..........11.16, decreasing.
Strength (RSI) Overbought/sold....[70] 31.04 [30]

Lube (NYM) Closed at..................69.86, dn -1.90
Oil Markers................................<70= ok, 70-75= worry, >75= panic.

Tea Leaves:
Charts & Stuff............................Yellow

Tin Box:
Position.....................................100% socks
Stops [$SPX].............................Alert: NA. Trail: NA.
Birchtree said:
This puppy is moving fast today - did we just place the intraday low on the S&P 500 at 1245? Could very well be the case.


We have went down, down, down the last couple of weeks. We still need a high volume throw in the towel capitulation. Once we do, it will be a very good buying opportunity for those that are still in cash. I'm currently feeling the pain!

Thinking of putting some more money to work. Still have plenty of cash in other accounts, but TSP is now 100% long.

Hope your correct on 1245 my friend!

This Market still has potential of getting really ugly. Folks going long here should be Risk Takers. This trade is not for conservative investors. So why did I get in the Market and try and catch the falling knife? Greed, the mighty dollar, a chance I thought to make some easy money. Not this time my friends!!!!

Good Investing / Trading

3 60% to 100% long

3 Cash ( Looking for a bottom)

2 Shorting some ETF's
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The market went down 900 points in 3-4'05 - we will have another 300 points to go to equal that pain level. I don't think it will do it. If it does, well we will all survive to invest another day. I'm sure there is a lesson here somewhere - I'll keep looking.
Why Position Sizing Is So Important
Tuesday May 23, 8:34 am ET
By Rob Hanna

In last week's columns I listed some ETF's that were extremely oversold. I indicated that they were due for a bounce and one way to play it would be to begin scaling into them, with the anticipation of selling on the bounce. That bounce has not yet arrived. Most of them have continued to hemorrhage. If you started scaling in last Tuesday or Wednesday like I did, then you are underwater in these positions right now. So what is the proper course of action at this point?
Existing home sales fall 2% to 6.76 million
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By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch
Last Update: 10:01 AM ET May 25, 2006

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Sales of existing homes fell 2% in April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 6.76 million, the National Association of Realtors said Thursday.
The decline was close to the 6.74 million expected by economists.

Inventories rose by 5.8% to 3.38 million homes for sale, a 6-month supply at the April sales pace. It's the largest supply relative to sales since January 1998.{B34C5FCA-BA83-4E6E-8752-5D736BFEC912}&dist=bnb
DWCPF & EFA...macd histo turning up, slow stochs turning up, 3 ema turning up...stir in end of month buying, bake for 2-3 day bounce? :)
DWCPF & EFA...macd histo turning up, slow stochs turning up, 3 ema turning up...stir in end of month buying, bake for 2-3 day bounce? :)

Add a touch of Enron guilty verdicts, maybe adds a little spice to your bounce.

robo said:
.... If you started scaling in last Tuesday or Wednesday like I did, then you are underwater in these positions right now. So what is the proper course of action at this point?

Hold your breath, and swim?