Honorary Hall of Fame Member
The Kingdom of TSP
Early Edition

Dec.11, 2005
Kingdom News, Doodles, Tea Leaves, & Yak
Kingdom News.
Kingdom Talk:. Market still stuck at station. Steam is nil. Dow 10825 for forward, 10725 for reverse.
Will Santa reopen bear chasing season, or will it be a snow close.
Elsewhere:...... Cartel plans to give Horseman Rats another .25% to feed his horse Slowdown.
Doodles, and Tea Leaves - Weekly, and ending.
S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at................... 1259.37, dn -5.17 for the week.
CMF (money flow) at...... +0.074, dn -0.129 for the week.
RSI (strength) at............ 60.2, dn -5.90 for the week; [O.B.=70, O.S.=30].
MACD (trend)....... bearish
S-STO (signal)...... bearish
P-SAR (signal)...... bullish
ROC (change)....... bearish
Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at.............. 59.39, up +0.07 for the week.
Attachment:. S&P (3mo) chart ending 12/09 Added: 20dMA, P-SAR, RSI, MACD, STO, and ROC.
Tea leaves:......................Yellow
Remarks:..................... Holding 100/0 (100-0 / 0-0-0).
Stops (C:S&P):............. Alert: 1256, Trailing: 1244.
Lube Markers:.............. <64 = ok, 64-69 = worry, >69 = critical.
Weekly TSP Returns:...1 Wk : G=+.01, F=-.01, C=-.06, S=-.03, I=+.17
2 Wks: G=+.02, F=-.04, C=-.09, S=+.06, I=+.41