Market Talk / Dec. 11 - 17


Honorary Hall of Fame Member
The Kingdom of TSP


Early Edition


Dec.11, 2005

Kingdom News, Doodles, Tea Leaves, & Yak

Kingdom News.

Kingdom Talk:. Market still stuck at station. Steam is nil. Dow 10825 for forward, 10725 for reverse.

Will Santa reopen bear chasing season, or will it be a snow close.

Elsewhere:...... Cartel plans to give Horseman Rats another .25% to feed his horse Slowdown.

Doodles, and Tea Leaves - Weekly, and ending.

S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at................... 1259.37, dn -5.17 for the week.
CMF (money flow) at...... +0.074, dn -0.129 for the week.
RSI (strength) at............ 60.2, dn -5.90 for the week; [O.B.=70, O.S.=30].
MACD (trend)....... bearish
S-STO (signal)...... bearish
P-SAR (signal)...... bullish
ROC (change)....... bearish

Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at.............. 59.39, up +0.07 for the week.

Attachment:. S&P (3mo) chart ending 12/09 Added: 20dMA, P-SAR, RSI, MACD, STO, and ROC.

Tea leaves:......................Yellow


Remarks:..................... Holding 100/0 (100-0 / 0-0-0).
Stops (C:S&P):............. Alert: 1256, Trailing: 1244.

Lube Markers:.............. <64 = ok, 64-69 = worry, >69 = critical.

Weekly TSP Returns:...1 Wk : G=+.01, F=-.01, C=-.06, S=-.03, I=+.17
2 Wks: G=+.02, F=-.04, C=-.09, S=+.06, I=+.41
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Our account deficit is approaching 7% of GDP and New Zealand's was 8% of GDP and their currency (kiwi) lost 17% against the USD. Will S&P down grade us (cutting their own necks) and will the dollar plummet? Many foreign countries have cut back on buying our bonds making it harder for us to "borrow" enough money to pay the bills as a country. Our inability to pay the higher bills are being fueled by war, excessive government spending, trade deficit, and tax cuts. This should drive gold up, the USD down, and bond rates up.

In order for the account deficit to decrease I think some of the following must happen.

  1. Close trade gap.
  2. Pay down our debt. (Bonds)
  3. Increase government spending. (Raises GDP)
  4. Raise taxes. (In order to increase spending or pay down debt.)
  5. Corporations need to quit setting on all of their cash and start investing in their businesses. (Increases GDP)
  6. Sell more home. (Increases GDP)
  7. Consumers must spend more. (Increases GDP) But, they need good middle class jobs and need to get off of the credit card.
Credit seems to be the common evil. Our government is spending more than they have coming in and so are our citizens.

Account deficit = Trade imbalance + certain other types of payments to foreigners such as payments, remittances, interest, and dividends.
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Talk about sitting on cash- nonfinancial companies in the S&P 500 could have some $700 billion in cash by the end of 2005. General Electric recently announced they are increasing their share buy back anothetr $1 billion to a total of $5 billion and have increased their dividend. GE has replaced GM as an economic and market leader. With the tax extension program through 2008 a good part of the account deficit will resolve itself via economic growth - and the longer it takes the more the Dow will rally. I've been happy with relief but am starting to get optimistic - I can smell the profits of an ongoing bull market. And besides EWP folks are still bearish - great!

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Looks like we could see a panic short squeeze today - Dow futures are holding up 42 points and the Nikkei was up 345 and the Dax is up 42. I wouldn't want to be short, it's hard enough just staying long.
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Wow! If everything holds course the I Fund should cha ching! USD down about .5% this morning.
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Here’s a interesting bit. Was speaking to a friend this weekend and he saw a report where a very large number of the oil wells/platforms were not going to be repaired or in many cases replaced. Most of those wells are “marginal wells” and would not be cost effective to put back into production.

Not that these wells are major producers but cumulatively I have to wonder how much they take off the table.
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I have mentioned this before and I do believe we are going to see an advance to 574 on the Wilshire....(S fund)by end of year....we should see some sort of correction in the market starting on Friday......then take a few days to continue up to the target....;)

In retrospect, the Delphi, GM, Ford news of late will get us starting the new year off to a dismal start..:(.....I see Delphi is trying to reduce everyone's wages by about 60% or maybe go out of business...the only thing about this is the Officers of the company are getting raises. I suppose everyones bills will drop in half also.....if not, then expect some of what should be expected, a depreciation of the area and of the country....people can't pay their bills and will go into bankruptcy....and then maybe to jail....for doing what, watching their country turn on order to make a buck...

Whats goes for GM goes for the country....

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Well I'm sure not doing what I did last Jan 1st week and get all in stocks just to watch the entire month go down the toilet and lose all we gained in December! Very disappointing start of 2005 and it really hasn't been that great a year. To be up about 5.5% I call myself lucky!
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The Dollar Index is down 1.2% from Friday.
People in the I-fund are going to get a BIG payoff today.
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Greg wrote:
The Dollar Index is down 1.2% from Friday.
People in the I-fund are going to get a BIG payoff today.

I sure would like an early Christmas gift!:PI'm in for 60%.

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Or the volatility of tomorrow's probable loss will be mitigated by saving some extra pennies of dollar adjustment. Nevertheless, the extent of the oscillation (dollar and EFA) will test the resistance level of the daily and weekly I-charts. I expect thattheshare price of I will rise todayby at least 15 cents, followed by a small pullback.



Thanks, TSPGO for the charts.
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Morgan Stanleysays the I fundwill go up a whopping 21 or 22 cents today. We'll see what TSP has to say.


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The Kingdom of TSP

Daily Edition

Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves & Yak Date: Dec. 12, Closing

Market News.

Kingdom Talk:. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Oil climbs above $61.

Elsewhere:.......Cartel tuesday / CPI thursday

Doodles and Tea Leaves - Daily.

S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at..................1260.43, up +1.06
CMF (money flow) at.....+0.050, dn
RSI (strength) at...........60.8, up
MACD (trend).....bearish
S-STO (signal)....bearish
P-SAR (signal)....bullish
ROC (change).....bearish [-0.41]

Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at..............61.30 up +1.91

Tea Leaves:.....................Yellow.


Remarks:.......Holding 100/0
S&P Stops:.....Alert: 1256. Trail: 1244.

Oil Markers:...<64= ok, 64-69= worry, >69= panic.
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I wish I could have the confidence you guys have on the I fund.....I currently believe that the fund is only going to net 3-4% from here before years end....not hardly any more than the S fund and just barely past the C fund....of course this could change based on the fact that economics change daily....but who really knows.....

I have been wrong in the past ....good luck on it though....

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Does anybody have an Elliot wave analysis handy.....I said here recently that it looks like we're in for something to happen around the 4th of Jan based on some off the cuff Elliot analysisI have donelast week of so............

If you could, I love to hear about it.....

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The Technician wrote:
I wish I could have the confidence you guys have on the I fund.....I currently believe that the fund is only going to net 3-4% from here before years end....not hardly any more than the S fund and just barely past the C fund....of course this could change based on the fact that economics change daily....but who really knows.....

I have been wrong in the past ....good luck on it though....

My reason is that for now I do not have a lot of faith in the U.S. markets. Corp. are sitting of hoards of cash doing nothing. Why? Mergers and acquisitions are about all they are doing. Buying up existing market share because there is no growth here. The growth is overseas now. Very few doing capital improvements/expansions unless its overseas. Europe and Asia have or are planning to start raising their interest rates. When that happens our bond will not be as popular to foreign investors. Some countries in Asia have already said last year that they will not expand their positions on U.S. bond.

To me International is the place to be.