The Kingdom of TSP
Daily Edition
April 26, 2007 Closing
Yak, Le Charts, Doodles, Tea Leaves, The Tally Can and The Barn Yard
Kingdom Yak:
Pro-Yak....................................SPX remains in a bullish trend.
Con-Yak...................................Pricing for SPX remains high.
Jester-Yak................................We are running low on oxygen!
Stops.......................................Alert (-1%)....Trail (-2%)
.....SPX........1494.25 -1.17.........1480.............1465
Dollar........................................81.76 +0.33 for the day.
Lube (NYMEX) Closed at...............65.06 +1.60 for the day.
Oil Markers.................................<60= ok, 60-65= worry, >65= panic.
Tea Leaves:
Yakndoodles...............................Yellow, or, maybe Green!....
Tally Can
TSP Funds..................................G-fund, F-fund, C-fund, S-fund, I-fund.
Top 10 last 12 mo........................2.8 ......1.0 ......0.6 .....1.2 ......4.4
Today........................................3 made IFT(s), 38% bearish, 62% bullish.
Yesterday...................................3 made IFT(s), 20% bearish, 80% bullish.
The Barn Yard
Location.....................................100% G. [Some what in tune to Rev. Shark....
