Make Sure You Can Login to AT

Chrome works.

IE8 still just hangs if I want to view members standing or allocations (even after deleting all history, exiting IE8, restarting).

Really wish you'd go back to showing the real user id's for members instead of assigning a collective name. I'm actually considering cancelling premium if it means my handle must be blocked. Again, I fully understand cloaking allocation info ... just see no value added for the name cloaking.
It appears that Firefox on my iMac is the only program having this problem. Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer have no problem. It is something unique to Firefox 3.6.13 version here.
I had been using Firefox for a couple years now, but I recently decided to give Chrome a try. Browsing on my aircard is actually MUCH faster now, for whatever reason.....................
A friend of mine uses Chrome and he says it crashes a couple times a day. I don't know how he can deal with that, but he is a Google fan so he thinks they'll get it fixed.
A friend of mine uses Chrome and he says it crashes a couple times a day. I don't know how he can deal with that, but he is a Google fan so he thinks they'll get it fixed.

No troubles in a week.................I like that you can keep some of your bookmark tabs on the browser page.
Chrome works.

IE8 still just hangs if I want to view members standing or allocations (even after deleting all history, exiting IE8, restarting).

Really wish you'd go back to showing the real user id's for members instead of assigning a collective name. I'm actually considering cancelling premium if it means my handle must be blocked. Again, I fully understand cloaking allocation info ... just see no value added for the name cloaking.

I agree with you. I understand blocking the allocations but not the names. That has been one of the fun parts of this website; the auto tracker. Why, after all these years, start doing that? Premiun Service has been around for a while but with no name blocking. I guess there will be a $5.00 monthly premium just to unhide the names..LOL
I think calling subscribers "PS Subscriber" detracts from this site. I like to watch others and get familiar with names, and learn more about them by reading their posts. I don't know and I don't care who's a PS Subscriber. Plus, there are now 5 premium services, right? So not only do I not know if another person subscribes to a service I also don't have any idea which one.

I think it's part of the fun to see everyone's name and allocation, but blocking the actual services' allocations, as it used to be up until last week. I can make a guess as to who's on the move each afternoon. Again, I never had any idea in the past whether a person was a subscriber or not.

I am also getting "hang up" problems with the complete list using my IE.
If you are having fun with the tracker, then you probably aren't mimicking what you are doing with your actual TSP funds, which is what the tracker was originally set up for. Unless of course you are having fun with your retirement money........:blink:

I have been having serious 'lockup' problems and am using IE8 on plain vanilla hardware with XP (kinda ancient...).

Anyway, I can guarantee a lockup by placing the cursor in the new ‘Find Member’ textbox. My browser locks (IE consuming ~50% of my CPU) when I type my first letter.

As an aside, I was having a similar problem with the ‘IFT of the Day’ browse. Those problems went away in less than a week. My guess is you found something.

My guess is that the code you are using to check and replace names and allocations for those following subscriptions is either slow and/or doesn’t complete a loop. The problem feels client side. Maybe JavaScript… Maybe a hanging AJAX request… Doesn’t sound like fun. The debuggers for stuff like that are weak at best. Like the bad old days of programming. Yuk…
Also, I can understand blocking allocation information for premium subscribers but I don't understand blocking their user id's and %age ranking. You haven't blocked out mine yet tho I am now a premium subscriber .. and I hope you don't block my name and standing. I like to search on my name and see where I fall amd where others land in the list each day. I would prefer you not obliterate the identity of all the premium subscribers; I know I don't want mine to meld into the collective. ...
Try finding your name when you are NOT signed into 'talk....
-then sign into the premium service forum & pages to read this same thinking chat ... Several have stated keep names in the open...
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congratulations to the PS club on your new found anonyminity.
you didn't have to sign a non-disclosure agreement did you? it could get pretty quiet around here if that many aren't allowed to pontificate on market developments.
sure, protect $20 of intellectual property, just hope it doesn't stifle invaluable intellectual potential in the process.
go ahead, get your grubby little hands on an extra percent or two, welcome to the machine.
Careful - you may not know what you are talking about :cheesy: !
Have you extra Get Out Of Jail Free cards? - stifling valuable potentials
pretty serious, but Invaluable could be worthy of bar time ! ;)
I really have not had time to see what is going on with the tracker but I'm not able to use it.

When I go into member's returns and analysis and try to scroll it doesn't. It just lock's up my computer.

I'm using IE8, and Windows XP.

Plenty of resources on computer. But like I said AT is unusable. :(