Log-In Issues

I found the following regarding users being logged out of vbulletin forums...

Your login status relies on cookies stored by the browser on your device. Logins will not be shared across devices or browsers. Logging out on one device will not log you out of others.

You can be logged out if -

  1. You block cookies from the server.
  2. Cookies are deleted from the device,
  3. You have not selected "Remember Me" on the front-end and your site is behind a proxy (i.e. Cloudflare) and the reported IP Address changes.
  4. If you are inactive longer than the Cookie Timeout value and you have not clicked "Remember Me". This is 15 minutes on a default server.
  5. You block JavaScript for any reason.

make sure the user isn't blocking cookies or Javascript on your site. If they block either they will get logged out.
I may try again this weekend to upgrade our forum software. Last time it failed and I had to restore back - kind of a pain.

But I think I may be getting closer to solving. Finger's crossed.
I didn't get the forum software upgraded yet. Been working on other options. The upgrade failed last time and the forum was down a while so I am trying other things first, but I may have to bite the bullet and try the upgrade again. But because of the down-time, it will have to be a weekend project. Sorry for the delay.

I may try again this weekend to upgrade our forum software. Last time it failed and I had to restore back - kind of a pain.

But I think I may be getting closer to solving. Finger's crossed.
Hasn't helped at all, I am afraid to report. A little worse actually. Do you really want to know?

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk
Hasn't helped at all, I am afraid to report. A little worse actually. Do you really want to know?

Rats! :banghead:

I suppose you can email me the issues and we can look at them, but at this point I'm 99% sure it's your IP, browser / PC settings, or something on that side. We're using the latest version 4 of VB that we'll probably use. Version 5 is totally different and will wipe out many of the features we use so I don't plan to go there anytime soon.

I never, ever, not once, had an issue with getting logged out or logging, but I'm not sure what I'm doing differently than you, and don;t kow what we can do differently.

But thanks for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm 100% sure its not on my side, since I've tried on numerous computers with different servers and wifi connections, and there are other posts by other people on this thread experiencing the same thing....and....the issues are unique to this forum and occur in no other forum I use now, or in the past. Just here. Just this forum. Total FUBAR....it takes a minimum of 3 logon attempts to get a reply screen to post something on a computer, and when I send, I either have to login another 2 times, or worse, I get some kind of firewall thing that goes one of two places if I refresh.....it will either post my reply and put me back to the forum, or it won't do jack....and everything I wrote is gone. Now that's the part that works...here's the bad stuff. Android...anywhere...anytime....Tapatalk has been rendered 99% useless by this upgrade. Nothing will display...not members acct talk, not the premium forum, not anything...with one tiny exception....you got it. "Report problems" under miscellaneous works every time. Now, I have been able to wade thru Vbulletin on a fone, but it is clunky bcz it still, doesn't show all graphs. I've done the cookies, all those past tips dozens of times and they do nothing for me. And, as I've said, it isn't just me, or just a few of us...it's most of us. The frustrating part is this site used to work, and did so, for years, and now...to provide a bad metaphor, it seems a trade deal with China is more likely to occur than debugging this forum. 3 parting words: "it needs work."

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk
There has to be a common thread with the members that are having log-in issues. It appears to just be a few unless more folks are not reporting problems and just plod along. Just my experience, I have had no log-in issues. Occasionally I get the server error or can't quote someone but it is very sporadic and happens on both the home computer and work.
Just a thought, what if amoeba registers as a new user and we see what happens.
I think it helps to DETRASH your Computer/Cellphone and Browsers. Defrag, D-louse ETC, I know it helps mine. Clearing Browsing data in Chrome helps me!
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One thing that could be an issue is if you use a different password for the forum, Autotracker, premium area. Unfortunately the site was piecemeal-ed together and not all of these areas talk to each other and your cookies and saved passwords may be different for each. Making all three area's passwords the same "may" help, but I'm grasping at straws at this point.
One thing that could be an issue is if you use a different password for the forum, Autotracker, premium area. Unfortunately the site was piecemeal-ed together and not all of these areas talk to each other and your cookies and saved passwords may be different for each. Making all three area's passwords the same "may" help, but I'm grasping at straws at this point.

I have a different password for the Autotracker premium and the Forum and I don't have any log-in issues. At one time they were both the same password, but awhile back when I was having some log-in issues you suggested to change my Forum password and I haven't had a log-in issue since. Sorry, that kind of blows up your theory.
I think it helps to DETRASH your Computer/Cellphone and Browsers. Defrag, D-louse ETC, I know it helps mine. Clearing Browsing data in Chrome helps me!
No, that doesn't help at all...I've done all that a million times, in fact, I just did it again and it made the site even worse...what a hot mess.

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk
One thing that could be an issue is if you use a different password for the forum, Autotracker, premium area. Unfortunately the site was piecemeal-ed together and not all of these areas talk to each other and your cookies and saved passwords may be different for each. Making all three area's passwords the same "may" help, but I'm grasping at straws at this point.
Nope, that's not "it" either, all my passwords are the same.

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk
Well, Tom, that latest routine of renaming my user ID, resetting my password, and then changing it back, actually did result in some improvement, as in ability to access through Tapatalk, and reducing the log in issues. But it was temporary....as in less than 2 days...its once again all screwed up.

But the report problems subforum still works so I can tell you.

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk
Well, Tom, that latest routine of renaming my user ID, resetting my password, and then changing it back, actually did result in some improvement, as in ability to access through Tapatalk, and reducing the log in issues. But it was temporary....as in less than 2 days...its once again all screwed up.

But the report problems subforum still works so I can tell you.

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk

Well, it's worse than ever (desktop)...can't navigate without being logged out....can't reply without being logged out...can't do jack. Get firewall page, then have to refresh twice, then log in twice, and my post will be there. If I go to another subforum...I'm logged out. This ain't butter, or even margarine.
Well, it's worse than ever (desktop)...can't navigate without being logged out....can't reply without being logged out...can't do jack. Get firewall page, then have to refresh twice, then log in twice, and my post will be there. If I go to another subforum...I'm logged out. This ain't butter, or even margarine.

Gave me that firewall page and refresh did cause my post to appear....but it simultaneously logged me out.