Log-In Issues


Hi Tom,
Not sure if it's only me but I'm having that issue again that keeps kicking me out and making me login whenever I navigate throughout the forum. It happens even though I'm checking the "remember me" box.
Ugh! Sorry imbrew1. I know you reported this a few months ago. Did it stop and restart again, or has it been doing that the whole time?

Can you tell me how you're viewing the site? - PC, MAC, Windows version, phone, browser, version of browser. Just in case others had a similar issue and we can see what they did.

It was working great until about a week ago. Using Windows 10 and running in Firefox 60.4.0esr.
If it's just me (lots of Windows upgrades pushed lately) I'll deal with it but thought you may want to know in case it's global.
Thanks. I'll flush our system's cache and reboot the database. Maybe that will help.

If anyone else dealt with this issue, please jump in. Thanks!

I noticed there is a FF v 65.0 now. It will probably make things worse though. :rolleyes:
I noticed there is a FF v 65.0 now. It will probably make things worse though. :rolleyes:

I just upgraded to 65.0 and we'll see how it goes, although I haven't experienced any issues before this - I mostly use Chrome (using Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit))
Yes- I have been getting blown out quite often. And it's been a few weeks that it has shown up most.

I am running:

Windows 7, service pack 1.
Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (32-bit)

And I am not sure- but it COULD be that my agency is running a firewall that blocks cookies right now. Not sure, but I think that may be.

Thanks. I'll flush our system's cache and reboot the database. Maybe that will help.

If anyone else dealt with this issue, please jump in. Thanks!

I noticed there is a FF v 65.0 now. It will probably make things worse though. :rolleyes:

Ok thanks Tom!
Checked my work download center and FF 65.0 isn't available yet but I'll keep my eyes open for it.
I'm having trouble sending Private Messages. Now I'm getting blank screen with "nil" in upper left hand corner when trying to send or reply to a message.

Was trying to send following message to tsptalk:

I give up on trying to attach. I saw it in message b4 sending but when I preview it disappears and leaves a ? block. Previously was getting the following message:

Hosting Server Connection Timeout
http 502 - unable to connect to the origin server
Please Try again in a few minutes

You --> Securi Firewall -x-> Hosting Timeout

Error details ....

I'm occasionally getting the Hosting Server Connect Timeout when I click the reply button. I can still post after hitting the refresh button in the top left corner.

Tom, also starting to have a problem with the "reply with quote" function.
I get kicked out of Members Account Talk....starting today (3/7/19). I really don't get in it for a full second b4 failure. Ican get into other fora, including the premium I subscribe to..

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk
I can't log in at all to the premium area on 3/7 and now 3/08/2019 , tried multiple times on my phone and with chrome and Microsoft explorer on my computer and my work computer.
I can log into the forum though.
Also tried resetting my password and it doesn't send me an email to reset it.
I also emailed Tom via support with email.
Thanks Tom B.
I sent you an email, Tom. Let me know when you get it so I know you're good to go.

Thanks Tom, all is well now. Gmail strikes again! I neglected to look but all the password reset emails that were automatically generated went to my spam folder. I added the address of the auto emails to my contact list so it won't do it again.
I can't navigate at all today in the premium forum on Android, although I could yesterday only, and not the preceding weeks. Very glitchy. Computer is worse, for everything. Ideas?

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk
Unfortunately I don't have any ideas. I've had a couple of minor issues pop up recently like the cursor not showing in the reply box, which I can remedy by refreshing the page (sometimes) or just moving from Chrome to Firefox. But I never have problems with getting logged out or other strange things reported and I can only guess that it is related to the browser and security sections.

Make sure your devices are accepting cookies and they are not getting deleted. To refresh, try deleting your cookies, clearing your browser's cache, and starting there. As always, make sure the "remember box" is checked when logging in.

It's possible that the vbulletin software is just not keeping up with some upgrades to browsers since the forum software has remained constant. However, there's not much we can do except possibly upgrade to the their version 5 which is a total rewrite of the forum software and would change everything.