Life Cycle Funds

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Certainly a life cycle fund would be good for someone like Al Gore- he would have his black box approach - off the rack. Sorry not for me.
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In your opinion, do you think Life Cycle funds would just sit there and be overlooked by the money crunchersresulting in no growth potential?
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IMHO if you look at mutual fund families life cycle funds they are the ones that put their underperforming funds into to keepthe underperforming fundprofitable (above water).

If it is brainless and painless then it is probably is not a good investment.

Remember being successful requires hard work....same holds try with investing. We are in a market where you just can not throw money at something it and goes up anymore. Those days are behind us. The last five years shows us that.


Remember the DOW is at March 1998 levels now...this is 2005. :shock: 7 years of sideways and IMHO we got 8 to 9 years more to go. :D This is normal action.

Of course, this is my HO. :D
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IMHO they are in the spot light to better sell private accounts. Hence the big push for a REIT fund. Where all the hot money is at and has been at for the last five years plus.

It is easy to say for the last seven years you have lost money in index funds if you hold and do nothing. They will be able to say we got these great life style funds. Which obviously do not have an extended history to compare their performance with. But they are a good selling tool.:shock:

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I think on this subject you and I are in agreement. I still want to be using my crusty rusty brain in my 80s if possible. Like Kerkorian - raising hell with his money.
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At least we can agree on something. I was giving up hope :).

Have a good day Dennis. You sure make this site interesting. :D

Bad news if we have private accounts that means the FED controls our social security.

:? That is a scary thought.