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Hi MohammadXX. Have not seen your postbefore but welcome as Tom and others always greets every new member.Nice post! And pyrid - again nice comments. WhileI agree with your opinion, did you actually read the site data I posted or are you providing your founded opinion? It takes time to study the site factual data. The point of this site datashould contributetoan understanding of higher income tax brackets so thatwhenone retiresand achieves TSP success from this board, That person will be leading others in providing accurate info vice personal opinions. Facts are facts. Returns and wealth are the same!By your participation, it appears you intend to retire comfortably! As to you MohammadXX, I feel your pain as I am in New York and I think from the website I posted, I pay higher income taxes then you. I think Conneticut is #1, NY - # 2 and NJ with a supplemental strip search with each highway stop- #3. As to Phoenix, Arizona - the 5th fastest growing area in the US, my house there compared to my house in New York is 0.33 in taxes - same assessed value. I drive at 85 mph around Phoenix on hwy 110 and the people are wonderful!!! I hear in NJ that when stopped, one is asked for 3 pieces of information: driver's license, current auto insurance and vehicle registration. Is it true thatt if you do not produce any of these items on site you are assessed $150 per? Your comments!