Lakebound's Account Talk

unlimited moves to G fund and any amount one wants.

every day one can increase fractional % to a whole % number, 22.02% to 23.0%
Today looks to be pretty much a wash for my account as the DWCPF closed even. Meanwhile everyone who jumped on the I-Fund rally took a little off the top. Here's hoping for a nice start to Friday and rally for all going into the weekend.

Seeing a few of the more experienced members bail back to G fund. I have 1 IFT left for March and I will try to hold out and stay in the Market until April Fools Day and then make a decision.

March has been a nice ride, I just hope that my pedals aren't worn too thin.

Using the 72t calculator, it is that simple? I have questions.

Due to the generosity of people here I was shown the link to 72tnet and more particularly the calculator used there: SEPP Payment Calculator

My question is this: After calculating and receiving the three distribution methods: Minimum, Amortization and Annuity, which one can I use?

Without getting too personal, who here has used this calculator? What is the procedure for making your choice at retirement? And what distribution method did you use?

I am a FED LEO and I plan to begin a full withdrawal a month after separation and want to have a plan together.


Re: Using the 72t calculator, it is that simple? I have questions.

Due to the generosity of people here I was shown the link to 72tnet and more particularly the calculator used there: SEPP Payment Calculator

My question is this: After calculating and receiving the three distribution methods: Minimum, Amortization and Annuity, which one can I use?

Without getting too personal, who here has used this calculator? What is the procedure for making your choice at retirement? And what distribution method did you use?

I am a FED LEO and I plan to begin a full withdrawal a month after separation and want to have a plan together.




I am in the same boat as you with 5 left till my personal target date and 10 till mandatory. I have 2 buddies that each had about 400g in at retirement and they have been doing the 72t thing for a few years now. One more form at tax time and it offsets their retirement check/SSSup so they are at about the same take home (both live in states that do not tax retiree's income) as when they were working. They tell me their TSP balance is continuing to grow (they manage it actively) so they should be good for a long time to come.

I'm planning on 72t'ing my TSP but my hard question is more along the lines of taking care of the wife if I go before her (kids will be grown and gone before I'm 60). Do I get another term policy to go till I'm 70/75/80??? Do I do the survivor benefit??? Both???
Re: Using the 72t calculator, it is that simple? I have questions.


I am in the same boat as you with 5 left till my personal target date and 10 till mandatory. I have 2 buddies that each had about 400g in at retirement and they have been doing the 72t thing for a few years now. One more form at tax time and it offsets their retirement check/SSSup so they are at about the same take home (both live in states that do not tax retiree's income) as when they were working. They tell me their TSP balance is continuing to grow (they manage it actively) so they should be good for a long time to come.

I'm planning on 72t'ing my TSP but my hard question is more along the lines of taking care of the wife if I go before her (kids will be grown and gone before I'm 60). Do I get another term policy to go till I'm 70/75/80??? Do I do the survivor benefit??? Both???

I hope that we can both get some answers to assist us in our retirement planning.


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Well, I used my last IFT back to G so I am out for March and will sit the sidelines to stop the bleeding for my account. I'm taking a break from following the market until April.

Good luck TSP'ers.

It's been awhile since I posted. But, I just pulled the trigger on my 2nd IFT for April and moving out of the market for awhile. I'm fatigued at the lack of consistancy and leadership in the market lately. So, in practice for retirement I am moving to safe haven for awhile to lock in first quarter earnings of about 8% or so depending upon what the market does today.

My 72T withdrawal calculations and future withdrawal calculations are based upon a 5.5%-7% ARR so, I'm ahead of that now. I would like to build my fund more but these 2 steps forward, 7 steps back days are too much to deal with right now. I don't like hovering over the market all the time and I want to live my life.

So, what this means for everybody else if a nice signal for you to buy what I just sold because I guarantee values will skyrocket.

Teach me how to rebalance my account throughout the month with 1% IFT's

Okay. So for the most part I have been either a Lifecycle guy or as of late, all in 100% in a particular fund. But, earlier in this month I went with a personalized blend if you will in G, C,S and I.

I have heard that you can essentially "cheat" the IFT limit by moving a certain percentage around to round up to whole numbers.

Can someone please help me learn how to do this? I'm slow witted so, please make your explanation a "IFT's for Dummies" style response.

Thanking you in advance.

Re: Teach me how to rebalance my account throughout the month with 1% IFT's

Okay. So for the most part I have been either a Lifecycle guy or as of late, all in 100% in a particular fund. But, earlier in this month I went with a personalized blend if you will in G, C,S and I.

I have heard that you can essentially "cheat" the IFT limit by moving a certain percentage around to round up to whole numbers.

Can someone please help me learn how to do this? I'm slow witted so, please make your explanation a "IFT's for Dummies" style response.

Thanking you in advance.

Frank, if your balances, for example, are: G (33.3%) C (27.7%), S(38.2%), F (.08%), you can make unlimited IFTs lby doing:
G 33%, C 28%, S 39% and F 0% or G 34%, C 27%, and S 39%.
It's just a matter of rounding up or down each fund, less than 1% change for each fund at a time.
the next time your balances are not whole percentages again, you can re-balance again to make them whole.
or you can do unlimited IFT moves from C,S,F in small increments to G(only).
Re: Teach me how to rebalance my account throughout the month with 1% IFT's

Frank, if your balances, for example, are: G (33.3%) C (27.7%), S(38.2%), F (.08%), you can make unlimited IFTs lby doing:
G 33%, C 28%, S 39% and F 0% or G 34%, C 27%, and S 39%.
It's just a matter of rounding up or down each fund, less than 1% change for each fund at a time.
the next time your balances are not whole percentages again, you can re-balance again to make them whole.
or you can do unlimited IFT moves from C,S,F in small increments to G(only).

Thank you!

Re: Teach me how to rebalance my account throughout the month with 1% IFT's

Okay. So for the most part I have been either a Lifecycle guy or as of late, all in 100% in a particular fund. But, earlier in this month I went with a personalized blend if you will in G, C,S and I.

I have heard that you can essentially "cheat" the IFT limit by moving a certain percentage around to round up to whole numbers.

Can someone please help me learn how to do this? I'm slow witted so, please make your explanation a "IFT's for Dummies" style response.

Thanking you in advance.

I am having a hard time getting the thread that this is in to come up (link issues). This is where it is supposed to be but the link won't work. (<1% IFT Option (read only))

BUT I found it on
Re: Teach me how to rebalance my account throughout the month with 1% IFT's

I am having a hard time getting the thread that this is in to come up (link issues). This is where it is supposed to be but the link won't work. (<1% IFT Option (read only))

BUT I found it on


Thank you also for going into the "Way Back Machine" and helping me and many others out with this question.

Re: Teach me how to rebalance my account throughout the month with 1% IFT's

Yep, I learned it from you, Tom.

I'm still nervous about trying it. Will I get an error message from the site if I try to so something wrong after using 2 IFT's?

Re: Using the 72t calculator, it is that simple? I have questions.

If you have used BOTH IFT's for the month you can still alter your allocation a max of 1% per day.
For example, say you have 60.50% S-Fund and 39.50% G-Fund. And you want to increase the S-fund. Request an IFT of 61.00% S-fund 39.00% G-Fund and it will be so altered the next transaction day. (You round UP to the next highest 1% increment). A day or so later your S-Fund is say 61.05%. You request an IFT of 62% S-Fund and 38% G-fund and so on.
Clear as mud? :D
Obviously you can't make major changes this way but you can pick up (or lose) some extra nickels this way. I've done it a couple of times and it works and I've never gotten any 'nastygrams' from TSP. Good Luck! :smile: