KevinD's Account Talk

I haven't changed a thing. I've clicked on every thing thats clickable and nothing changed.

Then all of a sudden, today it was just there. I think Yahoo's tweaking it from their end.
This morning, we will explore a 1 and a 5 year VIX chart. As you will see, an important possibility cannot be seen on the VIX unless you go back to 2007.

Today, we posted two charts that are necessary to show what will be needed for the Bull market to continue on further ... with another leg up.

Today's update will also give you the important VIX numbers that you need to keep on your radar screen.

Please click on the link below to go to your free Analyses and Stock Market Update today:


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I got a co-worker mad at me the other day.

The supervisor called us all together for a mandatory service talk and at the end he gave out an award. This guy got an award for 40 years with the postal service.

40 YEARS!!! :eek:

This guy is obviously civil service and I'm thinking to myself that if I could get 80% of my salary for sitting at home on my ass theres no way I'm working for the PO any more. I'm thinking maybe he doesn't realize that he's working for less than a thousand dollars a month. Maybe he doesn't realize that he's literally making less than minimum wage.

So being the kind, considerate, caring jerk that I am I politely tried to explain the situation and help the guy out by sharing my thoughts. would have thought I shot his dog. He let me know that nobody was going to run him off from the post office and that he would retire when ever HE got good and ready and that it was none of my business. :mad:

OK, dude. No problem. Just trying to help... :rolleyes:
Hey KevinD, it's been a while.

I know someone like that, great old gal, 40+ years, and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon, you got to love what you do, she does, and is uniquely gifted for it, it's not about the money to her.

It's cool.
I got a co-worker mad at me the other day.

The supervisor called us all together for a mandatory service talk and at the end he gave out an award. This guy got an award for 40 years with the postal service.

40 YEARS!!! :eek:

This guy is obviously civil service and I'm thinking to myself that if I could get 80% of my salary for sitting at home on my ass theres no way I'm working for the PO any more. I'm thinking maybe he doesn't realize that he's working for less than a thousand dollars a month. Maybe he doesn't realize that he's literally making less than minimum wage.

So being the kind, considerate, caring jerk that I am I politely tried to explain the situation and help the guy out by sharing my thoughts. would have thought I shot his dog. He let me know that nobody was going to run him off from the post office and that he would retire when ever HE got good and ready and that it was none of my business. :mad:

OK, dude. No problem. Just trying to help... :rolleyes:

I have a guy at my office with 42 years in. I explained the same scenario to him about making minimum wage, and he says the same. This guy has a bum knee, is in constant pain and says he can't retire for another 2 years. I have 5 more years and counting the days (1436). I don't get it!:rolleyes:
I use to call those people "Lifers"..they would more than likely die soon after they retire or fear they they work their life out on the job...A guy I worked with for 15 years back many years ago, is still working full time...He is the "Oldest living" full time employee in the FAA....Side note: he also the tightest person I have ever met too..I bet he still has his first $1.00 he made.
I'm 61 years old, been doing rural carrier mail full time for about 15 years after 9 years part time, under FERS. Unlike most of my coworkers, I really like my work and perceive myself as a pertinant cog in the community. I plan to stay on at least to 67 if I remain healthy and able. I may stay longer if I can, because the routine is good for my physical and mental health. On the other hand, this outfit is very close to collapse, so I may be looking for other work sometime in the near future.

But just because I am at, or near, retirement age does not preclude me from viewing my investment horizon as 20 years out!

With that in mind, I remain usually invested in TSP stock funds.
This may not have much of a home life and therefore likes to walk around in good weather....exercise etc. Maybe there's more to the route than we really know....just think of the milkman years ago....!
I think it takes 42 years to get 80%...and not 40. I may be wrong but that's what I thought. I am retired and did retire at age 56 w/30 years of service. I think it helped that I read a study that showed that people who retire early live a much longer life....and others at work where I worked...DHHS, CMS also read the study....we all retired pretty much after getting our 30 years or so in....God Bless!
I got a co-worker mad at me the other day.

The supervisor called us all together for a mandatory service talk and at the end he gave out an award. This guy got an award for 40 years with the postal service.

40 YEARS!!! :eek:

This guy is obviously civil service and I'm thinking to myself that if I could get 80% of my salary for sitting at home on my ass theres no way I'm working for the PO any more. I'm thinking maybe he doesn't realize that he's working for less than a thousand dollars a month. Maybe he doesn't realize that he's literally making less than minimum wage.

So being the kind, considerate, caring jerk that I am I politely tried to explain the situation and help the guy out by sharing my thoughts. would have thought I shot his dog. He let me know that nobody was going to run him off from the post office and that he would retire when ever HE got good and ready and that it was none of my business. :mad:

OK, dude. No problem. Just trying to help... :rolleyes:

We had a guy here at Glenn that retired just after getting his 50 year pin. He passed away within a year of retirement.
I think it takes 42 years to get 80%...and not 40. I may be wrong but that's what I thought. I am retired and did retire at age 56 w/30 years of service. I think it helped that I read a study that showed that people who retire early live a much longer life....and others at work where I worked...DHHS, CMS also read the study....we all retired pretty much after getting our 30 years or so in....God Bless!

For CSRS you need 41 years and 11 months to attain your 80%. Only your sick leave can get you above 80% for your retirement check. The years you work beyond 41/11 does not add to your retiement and basically you are working for 20% of your bi-weekly pay and the money coming out of your paycheck for retiement goes into a special savings account. You get that as a lump sum payment when you retire.