yes it has a spoiler on front and back , they skim coated whole car with bondo, this is fine as long as you sand most of it off, this thing has spots over 1/4 inch thick ,. way too thick, I was sanding trunk lid , I couldn't believe how much bondo , I have never seen a car this thick all over , so I bought a new trunk lid , already has holes in for spoiler and the inside of lid is made for a spoiler , I like this , by the time you sand it all down you would have way too many hours in body work(not to mention a ton of sand paper) , cheaper and a lot easier to replace , I will primer old parts , tell them how thick it is and that's why the parts will be so cheap, the cowl hood is over 1/8 thick , again too much time in sanding , a new one about 140.00 the whole roof skin was only 130.00, and there will be a whole lot less Bondo when I am done , but someone will buy that hood for about $75.00,and be happy with it , me I just don't like that much filler , it cracks out , like the whole car did , but I knew this , that's why I was able to get a good deal on it, and the new replacement panels actually fit pretty good anymore , you may pay a little more for quality but the thickness of metal is all worth it , man I am ready to go home and sand some more today, just thinking about it:smile: