kar crazy's Account Talk

Thank you Norm , this is my grandaughter, , i have only raced once this year , would rather be with her , she makes a bad day go away for me , she loves cruising in red camaro , racing stop light to stop light , and she keeps saying go faster grandpa , i am seeing a jr dragster in her future if she sticks with ole grand pa
I spend a lot of time with my Grand Kids to it's a blast, then you can give them back.:D They just love the swimming pool, I am the official swimming teacher our 11 Month old is trying already.
B -day today for me , then furlough day starts Friday , 2 day work week for me , Thanks Obama for the three day unpaid weekends , for vacation this year , I was able to go set in the back yard , people wanted change , , do you like change now. ok I best stop
B -day today for me , then furlough day starts Friday , 2 day work week for me , Thanks Obama for the three day unpaid weekends , for vacation this year , I was able to go set in the back yard , people wanted change , , do you like change now. ok I best stop
Happy B-day KC.
I am still here, a little dusty , but still here , 1oo % in the frog pond , having to look after family , no time to look or post , just dont remove me please thanks :worried:
Sorry guy's there will be no deer jerky this year , about 2 weeks from this Tuesday ago , I shot a doe , followed her she jumped little river , I jumped right behind her , it was getting darker by the second in the woods, but was plenty of light out in open field, on my way back across I jumped and shattered ankle and broke Tibula , and Fibula don't know how to spell , but broke both bones in my leg fell into water , without looking down, I knew my leg was broke , when your foot is facing wrong way , you know something aint right real quick. I crawled out of water keeping my rifle dry , then crawled about 2 acres out of woods , I tried to stand , my leg fell over , I crawled on my belly for a while and wasn't getting to far finally on hands and knees I was making ground, but being soaking wet, it sure was getting cold , thank God I had my cell phone , I had to crawl out to a main road and called and had sisters boy friend come look for me and take me to E.R. this sucks I will be off could be 6 weeks to 12 plus weeks before they think I can go back to work, my best pain reliever was seeing SOONERS beat OSU, I didn't think my boy's could pull it off, but they did good, So I am saying Merry Christmas to all for now and happy new year, hopefully I can get on here and see what you good folks are up too ;) be good and safe my friends , me I will be side lined for some while with this nightmare
You keep your "man card" for keeping the rifle dry. :) Hope you mend quickly KC. Was it your lead foot side or the brake side? Hopefully it was the brake side, you don't really need that one.......;)

I too was happy to see the Sooners win, at least until the Longhorns lost.............:(
I'm guessing you were dragging your deer the entire time, you must be one tough sonofagun :) I'd still be floating down the river looking for someone on the shore to pull me out! Get well soon!
Damn KC! Consider yourself lucky you could have died in the woods. That shows what you can do if you have to, and you did it. Heal quickly my friend I can wait for that Jerky, it was really good that time you sent me a bag. Now you have more time to post on TSPtalk. I have a couple of hams in the freezer, maybe I'll make some myself?:D