kar crazy's Account Talk

NNuut the high i get out of racing will pass any drug test;) , but the faster you go the more you break and the more parts cost ,as long as your having fun, then its all worth it:)
this Saturday night a few car clubs are heading to chickasha oklahoma to a drive in , to watch american graffiti , hope it dont rain , have not been to a drive in in many years, and will be cool with a bunch of old hotrodz:)
69160_492653287419192_234052818_n.jpg, now I was going to go blue with a black top and black fenders , like my 46 p/u , but I am digging this 32 in one color and chroming the side doors on hood , only money maybe another good couple years i can do a tsp loan and cherry her out :)
waiting on power glide with trans brake to be rebuilt , and I need to rewire , the NOS , mice collector over winter:notrust:
390152_268889906504151_100001494325110_713684_1820874239_n.jpg well I had to drive ole fire ball today , but i aint complaining, last time I tried police said nice car sign here ticket:embarrest:, all I could say is Thank you, you have a nice day ociffer :D
another day in ole red , loving the weather , chance of rain tomorrow , back into the garage tonight , having fun
when I can
Wind Hunter(Randy) its been a little over a year that we lost you buddy , I still keep thinking your going to stop by and talk TSP with me . dont know sailer talk but hoist your sails and enjoy the sailing , till we meet again . see you soon Bubba