jpcavin's Account Talk

Ok guys, when is the dollar going to devaluate?? The "I" fund owes me and I'm not bailing until I get it all back...Unless of course, Birch and/or Big John jumps ship.:D
My toes are on the diving board, only because I bought in at $20.54 and have already made a profit of 15 cents per share. Unless the I drops below .50% in the next 10 minutes, I will be heading to the G.
Note to self....
Judy, have you ever heard of the word "multicollinearity"?

Most indicators show either momentum, trend, or volume. Sometimes we start picking indicators that just give us variations on the same information. If we want to avoid multicollinearity, we should avoid choosing too many of the same types of indicators.

I would suggest a Chinese menu approach. Choose one momentum, one trend, and one volume indicator. Here is a partial list:

Everybody has their favorites, but mine are stochastics, Chaikin money flow and MACD histogram.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

So today jp your 50% S fund is dragging down your I fund profits. Maybe you wll still get a wish to pass me up, eh?

This is why I prefer going whole hog into one fund when buying 100%, then again you will make some, and I will likely lose some if this trend holds.
So today jp your 50% S fund is dragging down your I fund profits. Maybe you wll still get a wish to pass me up, eh?

This is why I prefer going whole hog into one fund when buying 100%, then again you will make some, and I will likely lose some if this trend holds.

Yep. One cancels out the other. I have been making small strides because the I fund has been higher than the S. Just wish I had the nerve to be in one or the other. :embarrest:
I know the market is still open. If it continues the way it is, looks like I may make a few strides up the tracker by default. I will lose a little bit less than the "S" funders. Wow! Is that supposed to make me feel any better? A loss is a loss no matter how small. Waiting for Monday for my next move...or lack thereof. :rolleyes:

This 2 IFT limit "ain't" :D for gamblers!

Go ahead Buster. Make my day. :laugh:
Now that so many of our fine members are wrapped around the S fund - throw'em in the lake come Monday. This set back has been part of my strategy to move forward. My oceanic will give up considerable value but I can handle the pain. If the S fund gets down to $21.46 it would be an excellent value.
If the "S" keeps this downward pace on Monday morning, I may have to ditch the "I" for a quick buck. I wish I could invest funds in it without having to take from another fund.:(
And what if the S fund doesn't bounce like you think it will - the S fund may take many to the cleaners in the short term.
There are many reasons why I've sacrificed to stay away from the hot S fund - but if I could get a price close to $21.46 it would be worth a dance. I bought my last 20% S fund position at $21.96.
Now that so many of our fine members are wrapped around the S fund - throw'em in the lake come Monday. This set back has been part of my strategy to move forward. My oceanic will give up considerable value but I can handle the pain. If the S fund gets down to $21.46 it would be an excellent value.

Yes, soft water. C'mon daddy needs a new pair of boots, meet you at the lake on Monday.

Don't diespair because of the guy in IT's stratigy thread. Some like to follow the shirt tails of others and try to improve their worth by quoting others. I sugested he have his own thread so we can visit him there. He's been around a while and may have good info. His thread his beliefs. It's not right to push your own ideas in someone elses thread. Maybe a comment or two fine.

You are very good at articulatting what your stock trading ideas are and quite good at checking with others and taking in their suggestions. Evaluating a system and trying you own ideas with inputs of others is a great idea until you find your own trading style.

You make excellent posts and interact well with others. I read your intereactions with others because you bring out a lot of information from them. You tend to ask more than an avarage reader on this message board and have the wit to comprehend and retain. A newbe would be able to catch on to a lot of information by following you around on this board. So continue what your doing and be who you are.
