jpcavin's Account Talk

"The market is in a strong impulsive move since March 2009 bottom and I expect the market to continue to climb a "wall of worry" during several years.
"According to the Elliott Wave Theory impulsive moves are made of 5 waves and I think that the market is very close to finish an extended Wave 3 and to plunge into a corrective Wave 4. As Wave 3 is extended there is a possibility that Wave 5 will be truncated. After Wave 5 I expect the market to plunge into a major low in 2016 to keep pace with its previous lows every 7 years and then to enter a new impulsive leg up for at least 5 years."

Dow Jones Secular Bull Market Projection | Trader MC |
Thanks for the reminder, JP. I had forgotten about this favorite website of mine, safehaven. Also need to go back and look see at what they are coming up with at seekingalpha.
Bought some ANR in April 2012 @ 16.20 It closed at 3.57 yesterday. Who wants to compute that loss? :nuts:
Anyway, I bought some more March 2014 @ 4.43 and again some more on July 24th @ 3.29. So far, I am down -10.81% Unless the company goes belly up, I ain't selling until I get my damn money back!
Yep, I've hung on also, even tho the advisor that got me into it, issued a sell advisory awhile back. but he also has holdings in a less-risky ethanol producer which persuaded me to stick with this one for longer haul, ahem, since prognosis I've been reading things should stay good into 2015 for PEIX with pt up to $20 anyways. Turned out the advisor only did a partial sell on his own holdings at the time, so glad I've hung on. I'll likely cash out the initial investment when it hits 20, let the gains ride for 30. small investment to begin with but definitely doing good things for my tiny taxable brokerage account. :cool:
Yep, I've hung on also, even tho the advisor that got me into it, issued a sell advisory awhile back. but he also has holdings in a less-risky ethanol producer which persuaded me to stick with this one for longer haul, ahem, since prognosis I've been reading things should stay good into 2015 for PEIX with pt up to $20 anyways. Turned out the advisor only did a partial sell on his own holdings at the time, so glad I've hung on. I'll likely cash out the initial investment when it hits 20, let the gains ride for 30. small investment to begin with but definitely doing good things for my tiny taxable brokerage account. :cool:

I read a while back that the price would dip a little due to price/demand for corn but that that would ease up later and price would continue up. It made sense at the time and I hung on. Good going for the both of us :D
You probably know this...but just in case. Remember, your "taxable" brokerage is taxable. If you've held a lemon for less than a year you can sell at a short term loss and use that loss to offset other short term gains.

Sometimes I've found that is the best way to put capital back to work and make lemonade from lemons.

Anything coal is going to be a tough row to hoe in the short term and, in my opinion, risky long term. Nobody wants the dirty stuff unless it's at bargain basement prices. Those companies are notorious for leaving others holding their bag of stuff. But I do hope it pans out of you!
You probably know this...but just in case. Remember, your "taxable" brokerage is taxable. If you've held a lemon for less than a year you can sell at a short term loss and use that loss to offset other short term gains.

Sometimes I've found that is the best way to put capital back to work and make lemonade from lemons.

Anything coal is going to be a tough row to hoe in the short term and, in my opinion, risky long term. Nobody wants the dirty stuff unless it's at bargain basement prices. Those companies are notorious for leaving others holding their bag of stuff. But I do hope it pans out of you!

It's in a Roth IRA. No worries. :)
Patiently waiting with anticipation on the Q2 2014 earnings report for PEIX.
Hey jp what's happen? I saw a few days ago we were neck n neck on the AT, but now you have sprinted ahead of me, time to chase. But as you can see on the tracker, I don't make many moves. Good luck and press on my friend
Hey jp what's happen? I saw a few days ago we were neck n neck on the AT, but now you have sprinted ahead of me, time to chase. But as you can see on the tracker, I don't make many moves. Good luck and press on my friend

Thank you... but I haven't made a move since May of last year. ;) Stay diversified...that's all I can say.