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NASDAQ Composite ticker is .ixic in google and ^ixic in yahoo. You input the closing price into the proper cell and then you copy the formula into the blank cells. It computes automatic ally right now because I already added a row for today.
For tomorrow.....choose any filled cell in the 5d roc, copy and "paste special" into the blank 5d roc. Do the same for the other columns....Will help you later if you need the help. Or you can goggle how copy formulas in excel.NASDAQ closed at 2693.07 making the composite -7.63. ( 5d roc=-2.59, 15d roc=-3.71 and 25d roc=-1.33) If you do it right, you should get the same result.
If I go in tomorrow before it goes above 4%, it would be against the rules...Gotta decide if I want to risk it or not.
What the heck are these numbers?$COMPX -
$COMPX 2,532.41 Down-23.98 -0.94%
$COMPX - on MSN gives you the same thing, I like the MSN charts so I will use that.
$COMPX 2,532.41 Down-23.98 -0.94%
Not encouraging. F fund move would have pulled me further out of the hole, instead my fund gave up nearly all of yesterdays gains. Not good.
:toung: - well I havent had the impetus to keep up with the TMTM, you asked that I awhile ago and Im answering.
I think its a interesting system, just cant help me right now Im afraid. I will start to track it once this market
starts to improve - everybody is saying it will. As for me I have a $ amt that if breached Im out, dont care what
charts say I just wont let go of less money than that.
You've really been doing your homework and seems like you're doing good.
I think I'm going to have to buy you a Blue Hawaiian and come visit your thread more.
Good job - Kathy
JP, I see you are looking at individual equities. I tell you what I wish someone had told me when I started doing that. Especially in this low interest rate environment, look at the big names that pay dividends. Good examples would be Abbott Labs (ABT), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), McDonalds (MCD), Proctor and Gamble (PG), Exxon Mobil (XOM). You wont get rich quick on these but you will see some stability and the potential for gains. Birch has been talking about the value of the C fund in coming years and I tend to agree with that. I think it would be very natural for people to gravitate toward lower risk stocks after the market turmoil of the last few years. Add on the huge segment of the population nearing retirement age who will want low risk and I think Large Cap dividend players will be very smart. Of course I'm relatively new to this and may be totally wrong...but as I said...I wish someone had turned me on to this earlier.
No, you wont make a quick buck in these but with proper entries you might be surprised at how well you can do. In my humble opinion these are very safe stocks that, especially during a correction like this, you can get a low entry and see some upside potential. Also at lower prices you get more shares for your money. While you hold, every 3 months you get a dividend; it may be small but time is your friend. Add to positions during coming dips and your cost basis will be nice and low. A good source for information on dividend stocks is to read some of the more regular contributors on the Seeking Alpha Investing for Income page. I really like contributions by Dividends4Life, Dividend Growth Investor and Avi Morris. You'll see links to a lot of good tools and methods for determining good entry points to these dividend stocks
Every day I check first thing in my Wall Stree Journal for dividend increase announcements - and there have been many so far this year. Companies are balance sheet rich and are sharing their profits with investors as well as buying back their own stock. Look at MRK and PFE for cheaper priced dividend payers - oh and T is worth a look. When I started investing I used to buy in odd lots of 10 shares - it's all good.
Companies are balance sheet rich and are sharing their profits with investors as well as buying back their own stock.
When I started investing I used to buy in odd lots of 10 shares - it's all good.