JimmyJoe's Account Talk

Folks, BT and I found the article with chart in our previous posts independently from each other. I can't hold a candle to the legend, but it's worth noting. I'm trying hard to think positive about this market, because I really do want to earn some money. The key word is "earn."
So I see a rise in the markets. I find this is a good market. I'm going to stay in it. I'm getting so good at listening to my own advice that I'll ultimately make some big money.
A month back I thought we'd see 1550 sometime in the middle of March. We're early and we are on the button. 1600 by April. You know how Spring brings out the flowers.
My bouquet of wonderful flowers are all clapping for a run to 14,400 on the close. The VIX finally tumbled back into the 12 zone.
The miracle of this stealth bull market of the last four years is that no one seems to have any faith except you and I. So we'll take the gains and keep on taking the gains. Some say no top until March 2014 - the NYAD suggests this bull has several more uptrend legs to go before there should be any signs of an impending top. I believe that since 1940 there has never been more than one 10% (or more) correction in an ongoing bull market. If this rally is a 1995 repeat there won't be any consolidations greater than 3%. Most blow off tops that end a rally and begin a pullback are on wildly high volume and are huge moves - the volume isn't there currently. I'm staying strong no matter what.
So the market dips this early morn. The market will simply pop up. Destiny. This week 1576. Adjusted for inflation, should be 1600 or 1650. How about those potatoes, and that's likely what I will have for lunch.
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People are selling bonds faster than they can stuff their socks with their extracted cash. Going to be a lumpy mattress tonight cos I don't see the equities rising. I'll give it a few minutes. Ok. There it goes. SPX up last minutes of trading. Manyana is going to be great.
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SPX all time high is 1565, give or take a digit. So does any one think there will be a pullback this week? I didn't think so. This healthy market is surprising and confounding most of the professional fund analysts. Maria Barteromo is hot on equities however. I see growth up to SPX 1800, probably more.
The VIX simply collapsed today to 11.57 -1.02, that may be a harbinger of things to come the rest of the week. The bears are being obliterated and I have no empathy. Anyone who fears buying this market will look back a year from now and know they missed another great buying opportunity probably generational like March 2009. So the longer they hold back is positive for the mega trend secular bull market.
So here's why the market won't go down for months, years. It's like a feeding frenzy. Each fund is taking its turn at taking a bite out of the prize. When the I fund gets tired, the C fund will start going strong. Then the bonds will start in on the prize. Then it will be the S fund's turn. It's set up this way and it won't stop. It's the equities that will really float, or get bouyed to the top. You can look at charts all you want and in this bull market, they won't give you the full picture. There are things going on in this market that, believe me, the boys in DC know the score. Don't bet against the FED.