jdphx's Account Talk

Well yesterday was sure nice huh??

I was only in 50%, so my drink at the fountain was
only a sip... Bumped that up to 80% cob today.

20 G
30 C
15 S
35 I
Never noticed this before from our friends at the TSP.....

Made an IFT today, and as always, I put my email addy in to
have the confirmation sent. Nice and easy that way, have all my
information in one spot, prices, shares, etc for easy reference.


Not anymore, here is the email I got tonight.

Dear Participant:

Your recent TSP transaction request has been processed. You can review the details of the transaction by accessing your Account through the "My Account" section of the TSP website. You will need your 13-digit TSP account number or your user ID and your 8-character Web password to view this correspondence on the Web.

Crap I tell ya....... :notrust::mad:
I think it will be a fraction to F, but a large one. I like to leave myself some wiggle room, since the market is all over the place.
Will have to see just what the market does between now & then...
Careful there jdphx.

I just encountered the same message re: a thirteen digit password asI was having trouble remembering my password for some reason and was getting this error message about 13 charaacters ect. BTW our password are exactly 8 chacters not 13 so where did that come from?

I made the mistake if clicking on "I forgot my password" where with any other site you would immediatly be sent a reminder of what it is.

That ain't the case with the TSP site, and I was locked out of my account for 8 days! It seems the new "COMPUTER GENERATED" EIGHT CHARACTER password the TSP sends you needs to go by carrier pigion e.g. the US mail. Now isn't that special, but oh so typical of the gubmit way.
Never noticed this before from our friends at the TSP.....

Made an IFT today, and as always, I put my email addy in to
have the confirmation sent. Nice and easy that way, have all my
information in one spot, prices, shares, etc for easy reference.


Not anymore, here is the email I got tonight.

Dear Participant:

Your recent TSP transaction request has been processed. You can review the details of the transaction by accessing your Account through the "My Account" section of the TSP website. You will need your 13-digit TSP account number or your user ID and your 8-character Web password to view this correspondence on the Web.

Crap I tell ya....... :notrust::mad:

Yes, the email has gotten generic, so that your account info is not sent unsecured text through all the ISPs across the nation, or world, for that matter.
-Or did you forget that general domestic email is transmitted as unsecured text?
Mail - email
1 secured by an oath, 1 not

Although not as convenient, the generic acknowledgment is more secure. :notrust:
Thanks Gallo... I did notice that on the generic email.

But I have mine set to an "8 character" personal password, so all is well.
Except this dern negative return I'm choking on!!! :embarrest:
Picked a bad month to be away from the markets huh???

So everybody, what's this Bond market gonna do?

I wanna here both sides, pro's, con's, how long, and
your reasons behind your thinking.

Birch, I already KNOW your thinking... but feel free to
humor me :cheesy:
Got all the way back in today....

Man, had to pay good coin to do it though.
Hate buying in on such a green day, but can't
sit around waiting for the "perfect" entry point.
There isn't one! ;)

I'm sure Birch would say, if it didn't hurt a little,
it wasn't the right decision.

Now let's see if this market can chug steadily ahead.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Jumped out for the end of November swoon we may see.
Looking to get right back aboard the Train the first little
December dip I see!!

Sure learned allot in my first "full-time" year of actually paying
attention to my TSP account. Thanks to many of you for that!!

My results don't show it (400+ club!) but I have done much better
the last few months than the first few!

Safe Holidays for everyone.... Looking forward to 2011 :D

No less than 42 people by my count to 100% I fund today...

Looks like the "Intrepid Train" is packed to the gills for 2011!!

Good luck to all, and for the non-followers, looks like you can
either gain a HUGE number of tracker spots, or get FLATTENED
by the avalanche as these folks go up or down!!

Watch your heads.... :laugh:
Interesting little diddy I just read..... You may have seen it before, but it was new to me!

Once upon a time in a village in India , a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $5 each.

The villagers, seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $5, but, as the supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their efforts.

So the man announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.

Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to $25, and the supply of monkeys dropped so much that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch one!

The man now announced he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now act as buyer, on his behalf.

In the man's absence, his assistant told the villagers "Look at all these monkeys in the big cages that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 each and when he returns from the city, you can sell them back to him for $50.'We can all get rich."

The villagers squeezed together their savings and bought all the monkeys.

They never saw the man or his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!