Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk

Still 100 S. I believe we'll head back up starting next week. It's interesting how the VIX AND the indices have dropped the past two days.
Hope blast off is soon -- I've worn out all my parachutes!

Hang in there, end of the month right around the corner!!

Still holding 100 S which I bought on Feb 8th at the price of $18.27. Current price as I speak is about $18.33 so it's still a winner by a little bit. I've adjusted my trading to accommodate the new TSP rules of 2-3 a month so I'll have to endear a little market weakness once in awhile. I've only made one transfer this month. Too bad we can't carry it over.
Yeah, the charts have a problem. I was expecting a drop today and when I brought up the SPX...the first thing that caught me eye was the 1234. That is when my monitor about got the coffee shower. I then saw the 90+% drop and was sure it was in error. Definitely got my attention though.:D

I still think there is some more downside to this market. Some people just don't seem to understand what the implications of $103 BBL oil is going to do to the average working man. Another 100 points off of todays S&P low is going to be close to the 1234. I think it will happen sooner than later.
Now...if I have the nerve to place the bet with retirement $$$$$.

The S&P 500 ($SPX: S&P 500 Index
News, chart, profile, more
Last: 133.54-1234.14-90.24%
2:20pm 02/29/2008
Look at the US markets from about 10:15 to 11:15. Tell me that wasn't a buy program or injection of some sort. I think we'll end down today and tomorrow and then I might jump back in tomorrow. Still 100 G.
If it wasn't too cute of an explanation, I'd call it the post snack break buy, pre lunch sell program. :nuts:
Posted at 11:30 am yesterday:
Look at the US markets from about 10:15 to 11:15. Tell me that wasn't a buy program or injection of some sort. I think we'll end down today and tomorrow and then I might jump back in tomorrow. Still 100 G.

You all can call me 12 1\2% now. LOL Just kidding.

2 of my 3 indicators are saying BUY now but since we are in a bear market, I'll wait for all 3 to go green. This would of saved me some monies earlier this year.
My other indicator just went green. Of course this is too late for our TSP, go figure. I'll be going long in my brokerage accounts.

I just realized something, watch for the government to start blocking brokerage websites soon.................:mad: