In case any non-subscribers are wondering how my ETF trading outside of TSP is going, here's the year-to-date returns as of the close yesterday of various long/short ETFs that I post in my daily spreadsheets:
FAS/FAS - 108.40% (goal is to double my return every year)
TNA/TZA - 76.49% (goal is to double my return every year)
ERX/ERY - 59.35% (goal is to double my return every year)
UPRO/TLT - 32.77% (goal is to make 40-60% every year)
Using URPO and TLT is my conservative approach as one is never actually short anything.
Currently up 9.47% with TSP, but if we had more IFTs I'd be up 11.86%. Sure wish we had more options with TSP, but I want to thank the TSP "overlords" for watching out for us.................