Intra-Day Market Quotes Forum...

Ditto on the thanks. I get the quotes on my cell just seconds after they are posted here. Workin like a charm for me:nuts:
For me personally prior to noon EST is all that really matters. Not sure of any other members who might be using this thread though. All efforts are appreciated. If anyone is willing to make the effort to post quotes twice prior to noon that could refine the purpose with the posibility of showing direction/momentum. For instance, once at around 10am and once more at around 11:30-11:45. One could then see if there is any major movement in a particular direction between those times. In my opinion, prior to 10am is really too early and after 11:45 cutting to close to the deadline, but the more time between those two morning postings the better I think. Sorry to ramble on like this. Thanks for askin.
11/13/06 as of 11:21 a.m. EST

S fund 4500 603.04 +1.45 (+0.24%)
S&P 500 (C Fund) 1,386.00 +5.10 (+0.37%)
Morgan Int (I Fund) 70.97 -0.25 (-0.35%)
AGG (F Fund) 100.12 0.20 (-0.20%)