Interfund Transfer 8/02 for 8/03/06


Staff member
I was looking for some strength in stocks to lighten up some and this morning we are seeing it. I am initiating an interfund transfer this morning going 25% F, 25% C, 25% S and 25% I fund.
I just did a transfer from 25% C, 25%S and 50% I to 50% C and 50% I. The S fund seems to be struggling....any thoughts on this move? Thanks
Since I made this move I have seen a fair increase in the dollar amount in my account as opposed to large losses with the S fund in the mix. So I am happy with the 50% C and the 50% I fund mix. I have been tempted to toss it all into the I fund for a while. Any thoughts on this??:confused:
Some indicators are in or near overbought conditions!......:suspicious: