Interfund Transfer 08/31 for 09/04/07


Staff member
100% G

Good morning. Hopefully this morning's gains will hold as I complete my one day move into the I-Fund. But the sentiment survey system and Trader Fred say it's time to back off again. I'm going into the G-fund (rather than F) as the F-fund appears a little extended. I'm making an interfund transfer to 100% G-fund this morning.
100% G

Good morning. Hopefully this morning's gains will hold as I complete my one day move into the I-Fund. But the sentiment survey system and Trader Fred say it's time to back off again. I'm going into the G-fund (rather than F) as the F-fund appears a little extended. I'm making an interfund transfer to 100% G-fund this morning.

I agree that the F fund is over extended, but bond yields and currencies, after the Bernake's speech, are telling me that there are some serious flight to quality despite a 100+ points in the Dow. My guess is that today's market will be reversed very soon and the Fund benefit nicely. I just hope it stays up today.:worried:
Yeah, I like bonds for the next couple of months. Yields look split so far today. I'm was also thinking we should get the G fund penny Tuesday as well. I'll give the AGG time to come back to the 20-day MA.
Did an IFT back to the G fund Friday morning 2am, EST, didn't really expect to be out of the I fund until Tuesday evening. Got notice tonight they processed it same day, so as of Friday night, I'm back in the G fund.
That was rather quick, and a bit unexpected. Nice pay day however.
Rusty -
That's how it works. As long as you do the transfer before noon ET, you will be in your new allocation the following business day.