I Will Probably Do Something This Morning


Staff member
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I'm considering some F fund this morning as well as a touch of S and /or C fund. Stay tuned.

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Pardon my n00bness, but why would you consider the F Fund?

By all means, correct my understanding, but if interest rates rise, there goes the F Fund as well as any other bond fund. If interest rates continue to stagnate, the F Fund will stagnate at best. What am I missing?
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Hi Rolo!

I avoided bonds like the plague for the past 3 months for the reason you mention. This was more of acontrarian play. The bonds are quite oversold and I was looking for a short term bounce. Unforntunately it didn't quite happen as the bond fund has lost .03 since then. By comparison thoughthesmall capfund lost .53.

We should get that bounce but stocks should also bounce along with the bond market so it may be best to just play stocks.The downside of that is if this "meltdown" continues, the bonds are little less risky. Pick one...
Small drop / small bouncevs. big drop / big pop. :shock:
I believe Rolo is now a moderator with the Ice Princess.