I should be up .179 ....link...

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I'm glad you pointed out where to find this info. The website I've been going to doesn't post current day data till following day.

Have you noticed whether this data is tracked during the course of our trading day? Maybe a 20 minute delay?
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Mlk_Man provided this link some time ago for tracking our TSP funds and I've been using it ever since.


I bring this up because I wanted to point out that under the IShares EAFE info, it appears they recently added another bit of data. Lookunder the title info and they now have an "afterhours" quote. I never noticed it until now. It shows the same data tgrmike has been providing.
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How do you calculate the "I fund" return for the day... using the link at MSCI? Is there a formula based on the percentage gain/loss?


rookiecsi :)
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So now we are expecting the I fund to be up .179% today and the price posted on tsp.gov shows a 6 cent loss (15.39). Does that mean they exacted the maintenance fee today?
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rookiecsi wrote:

How do you calculate the "I fund" return for the day... using the link at MSCI? Is there a formula based on the percentage gain/loss?


rookiecsi :)
See if this makes any sense to you (it was a little too over the top for me).


At this point I'm trying to find a more responsive website that simply tells us where the share price stands at any given time (a short time delay would be okay). So far I haven't found it, although I'm going to start watching the msci.com website more closely. It might be the best place yet to get relatively up-to-date info.
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The TSP stock answer why they don't always match. Most days they do, using the quote under the daily. Like yesterday it was to the penny.

[align=left]Participants have asked why, on some days, the change in the I Fund share price reported by the TSP does not match the change reported for the Morgan Stanley EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) index, which the I Fund tracks. This happens when the Board's investment manager, Barclays Global Investors (BGI) reprices its EAFE Equity Index Fund, in which the TSP invests, after the close of the foreign markets. This process, known as "fair valuation," occurs when there are large U.S. market or currency movements between the time the foreign markets close and 4:00 p.m., eastern time, when BGI's share prices are determined. Fair valuation ensures that traders cannot "market time" the I Fund by making investment decisions based on the "stale" prices, thus diluting the returns of other participants who invest in the I Fund. Because the EAFE uses the foreign market closing prices to calculate its values, its price change will differ from the TSP's on those days.[/align]
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coolhand wrote:
Mlk_Man provided this link some time ago for tracking our TSP funds and I've been using it ever since.


I bring this up because I wanted to point out that under the IShares EAFE info, it appears they recently added another bit of data. Lookunder the title info and they now have an "afterhours" quote. I never noticed it until now. It shows the same data tgrmike has been providing.
This may help also: http://finance.yahoo.com/indices