How much Social Security will you get?


I think Social Security will become worse of a deal as the years - and the grasping politicians - go on. I am not willing to pay even a quarter point more toward it. The state would have to coerce me into paying more for this 'insurance'. They could, and they probably will...

I would chose not to receive it within the time it takes to type this message if it meant never paying into it again. And, I have paid into it for almost 30 years. I'll give all that away for free if I am allowed not to accept it and not to pay a dime more into it.

Dead and deader. Even deader than dead for the chaps behind me. It has been a politicians slush fund for four decades now.

I am with you, and at one point I was even permitted to opt out under the legal description provided. Alas, circumstances changed and I have been given a compulsory invitation to ever since. As we are unable to avoid it, like so many other "social" programs, we will have to ride it out and extract as much as we can from it while it exists to add to personal wealth and use it to offset other expenditures. According to some studies, if we push it out far enough, the peak of the babyboomers will begin to decline, and the actuarial stats improve again for another few decades.