Sorry for confusing you even more. These 12-14 hr shifts are starting to catch up to me. The correct account balance would be:
G Fund - 100% allocation @ $11.75 = 85.1063 shares ($1,000.00)
Sorry again about the bad info. Also, COB is close of business. COB fund prices are found by going to tsp.gov and clicking on share prices located halfway down on the right side. The share prices are usually posted before/at 8:00 pm Eastern.
No problem, been there done that with working those kinds of hours and then some. Gets old.
At least my brain cells were working and I did see it properly. lol
Your help with this matter has got me straightened out with this issue now, I do believe.
While I am here though, another couple questions if you don't mind.
1....When doing the IFT, is there a better time over any other time to make the IFT? Meaning, from COB until noon the next day, is there any period within that time frame that is better or worse to make this move?
2....Also when doing an IFT, how fast or slow is the confirmation? Can I get it all done within 30 minutes as an example? I see many here that do their IFT within about two hrs of noon. For me I would have to do it earlier because of my schedule and all.
3....Other than the S&P chart, where are there charts that correspond to the G,F,S and I funds? Where can I find these in order to follow these funds better in this manner?
Just a few more loose ends with some of this to get me straight with all this.
I do appreciate your help. This is an incredible site with so much info to digest and all the people who give it so freely.
Thank you again.