Has everyone forgotten about the F-fund?

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Coolhand- why play with pennies when soon you can allow yourself to drown in nickles and dimes in the C fund? I'm so excited. I truly believe Greenspan has no intention of killing this expansion-therefore rates go up one more time and then the Fed signals a holding pattern. Only 2 days to wait. Forget the F fund it's history.
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You won't get much enthusiasm on TSP Talk for the F Fund. It's too volatile for market timing the stock funds. Hitting the F Fund just right is like trying to land a jet on an aircraft carrier in a stormy sea. In comparison, the G Fund is an airport.

However, over the last ten years the F Fund has beaten the G Fund by almost 2% annually. In addition, it has equaled or exceeded the G Fund's return in eight out of the last ten years. Consequently, it's a good asset class for the long-term.

Having said all of that,System Trader seems to be using the F Fundquite effectively in his market timing activities.
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Birchtree wrote:
Coolhand- why play with pennies when soon you can allow yourself to drown in nickles and dimes in the C fund? I'm so excited. I truly believe Greenspan has no intention of killing this expansion-therefore rates go up one more time and then the Fed signals a holding pattern. Only 2 days to wait. Forget the F fund it's history.
That's what I said, only I did it in three words...:D