Handballer's Account Talk

Thanks for your concerns. We got a lot of wind and rain all night long. No power outage this time. Several areas got flooded.
Thanks for your concerns. We got a lot of wind and rain all night long. No power outage this time. Several areas got flooded.
Hey Handballer, I was born and raised in the Fairbanks area. My extended family homesteaded in Homer, Soldotna and Kenai. I'm 4th generation Alaskan on my mom's side. I know how it can be up there. Keep your head down, and I hope that you get your winter stocks laid in early this year. I've got a feeling that it'll be a bad one up there. I'm in Washington State right now, so I'll miss out on it.
Hey Handballer, I was born and raised in the Fairbanks area. My extended family homesteaded in Homer, Soldotna and Kenai. I'm 4th generation Alaskan on my mom's side. I know how it can be up there. Keep your head down, and I hope that you get your winter stocks laid in early this year. I've got a feeling that it'll be a bad one up there. I'm in Washington State right now, so I'll miss out on it.

Aitrus its good to hear from you. Ever since my last post every day and night we have had strong winds and too munch rain. At this time we have a high wind Warning

I would love to see sun shine! At this time some evacuations are happening. Four years ago I moved here from Honlulu, HI. The wife and I plan to go back when our 4th grader complets high school here. So how much do you miss Alaska?

3 of 3 alerts
Aitrus its good to hear from you. Ever since my last post every day and night we have had strong winds and too munch rain. At this time we have a high wind Warning

I would love to see sun shine! At this time some evacuations are happening. Four years ago I moved here from Honlulu, HI. The wife and I plan to go back when our 4th grader complets high school here. So how much do you miss Alaska?

3 of 3 alerts

Well, there's things I miss about it, but there's other things I don't. Washington State is really growing on me. Spokane, where I'm at, has tons of benefits for my family. There's high-quality schools, tons of opportunities for my kids and my wife, the winters aren't as harsh, the cost of living is less, and there aren't so many people that I feel like I have to look over my shoulder like I had when I was in Florida for 7 years.

All in all, Washington seems to me to be Alaska Lite in many ways.

Sorry to hear about all the wind alerts. We never had those things in Fairbanks. We had to deal with deep freezes - times when the temp dropped to -40F or lower for a 3-4 week stretch. But with a small amount of planning those just added flavor to the year instead of being a pain in the rear.
Also 2 gate guard shacks destroyed. See
That looks like Southern Alaska alright. Grey sky, lots of water and moss, dark pea gravel everywhere, the occasional cabin in the woods - yep that's definately it.

Wow, you guys really got hit. Never saw anything like that up in the Fairbanks area. Glad you made out ok.
Any one tried this new email service: Reagan.com. Costs about 4$ monthly.
[h=2]Safe and Secure emails
Unlike some of the largest email service providers like Google, Yahoo, AOL, and Hotmail, @Reagan.com will not copy, scan, or sell a single word of your email content. Your "Private" email will stay "Private"![/h]I plan on switch to Reagan email as soon as Norton 360 fixes all the problems that have croped up lately on my pc. I was on the phone three times tonight, each time they controlled my computer from their site and after a while they said all was ok then. After 3 attempts my computer is still messed up. It cost me $69.98 before they started service. Well I'm off to bed and its only 12:24 AM.
Weekly Update
50/50 C&S. Last IFT August 29th.
#431 on tracker with gain of 6.66%

Whoever wins the debate tomorrow night, will stock marker advance or faulter.
My C fund is letting me down. I should be all in the S fund. Maybe tomorrow.
Why? C is outperforming S so far this week/month. September also saw C eek out slightly ahead of S. Do you see more opportunity for S going ahead from here?
I really don't know. I'll stick with what I got for now. If I make a run to safety I would go with the L fund instead of G.
Using an L Fund instead of G as a run to safety, that's an interesting idea I hadn't thought about. I'll need to look into that.
C fund 40% and S fund 60% didn't work out too good for me on Friday.:embarrest: I'll keep trying as I must.

Try as I do, can't be one of the top 20 posters for any time period.:( I ain't done yet.
COB 10/17: Gain of 8.01% with no IFTs left. Thursday/Friday expect to move large amount to G fund (was going to move some to L fund but rules don't allow that. I'm happy with this gain of 8.01% and hope to keep it. Seriously.
Weekly Update:
G-FUND 50%
C-FUND 25%
S-FUND 25%

#444 on tracker with a gain of 6.01%.
Sunday midnight headed to the the meadows city for some R&R.
Return Friday but after IFT deadline. :nuts:
I will miss the chatter.
Why does my last post show only 2 red X inside both boxes?

I'm back with less money in pocket.
I was watching MSNBC one day for a few minutes and it seemed to be the market was way down. Was it and did it recover?
Anyway its good to be back with you all.:D