Guess Who This Is...

Late 70's all through the 80's prime time TV Drama. Super popular show. Big cast. Major cliffhanger at one point.
I was never into it, but it was huge.

This looks like another good one because I know I will know it once revealed. Just can't think of it at the moment. :)
Linda Gray
Sue Ellen Ewing in Dallas

You got the show right, which will now narrow the selection of possible actresses down considerably, but unfortunately it's not Linda Gray. Your getting warmer .......... Keep trying :35:
You got the show right, which will now narrow the selection of possible actresses down considerably, but unfortunately it's not Linda Gray. Your getting warmer .......... Keep trying :35:

Dang! Thought I was 2 for 2. I knew it was Dallas and thought she was one of the main characters. So know I have to say Charlene Tilton, Lucy Ewing Cooper
Dang! Thought I was 2 for 2. I knew it was Dallas and thought she was one of the main characters. So know I have to say Charlene Tilton, Lucy Ewing Cooper

Yes Sir, you and Valkyrie are both CORRECT ! ! ! ! Awesome job :arms::arms::arms: And the cliffhanger was: "Who Shot J.R. ??" People talked about that for months on end....... :nuts:


Dala2.jpg . Dala3.jpg . Dala4.jpg
I was very blessed and only saw about 10 minutes of that show for all the yrs it was on.

​Yeah..... it just wasn't my thing, unlike the millions of others who watched it religiously.
I think because it revolved around super rich people, which I can't relate to at all. We had no money growing up in my family, so I just didn't have any connection to that.
​That's a great guess and I definitely see the similarities, but I'm sorry, that is incorrect.
She is an actress though, so your on the right track.
​She hasn't done any acting since 2001, and the role that put her on the map and made her the focus of every guy on the planet was back in 1982.
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She shared the screen back in '82 with this guy, but if I just looked at this pic, I couldn't tell you who he was either ...... :laugh:

Had to do some detective work. Great pictures. They are Judge Rienhold and Phoebe Cates. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Yep, a heart throb for sure.
Phoebe Belle Cates Kline (born July 16, 1963) married to kevin kline , Judge Reinhold, aka close talker on Seinfeld,

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) the book states its a true story

and don't forget my favorite martian, and sean penn were in the movie also

I know who they were right away, should have posted sooner