Guess Who This Is...

OK, I'll try my hand at this. Musician from one of my favorite bands that blew up in the 70s. The band has kept on going in various forms for many years. Still active today.


Hope I uploaded image correctly.


Sorry, I should have thrown this out there. A girl now, but a guy during his tenure in the band.

He was one of two keyboardists in the band at the time.

This might be a bit too obscure even though the band was quite popular in the 70s.

Is that a guy or a girl? I’m OK with an answer that’s in context with the 1970’s.

Scott Harrison
Senatobia, MS
David Palmer / Jethro Tull

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I was fortunate enough to attend a show from the remaining members of the "classic" line up during the Stormwatch tour way back when.

If anyone wants to geek out, Ian decided to cease playing as Tull and perform under his own name. Martin Barre, Tull's guitarist, who is a diehard musician and guitarist, toured on his own pulling in a few former members of Tull, including Dee Palmer to commemorate something like 50 years of Tull. Don't think Ian quite liked that, but Ian eventually went back to using the name Jethro Tull with a slew of different musicians.

David Palmer / Jethro Tull

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Singer from fast rising popular 90's band. Dated some well known hotties from back then.

hoodat1.PNG . . . hoodat4.jpg

hoodat3.PNG . . . hoodat2.PNG

Acchhh. You're hint, the Counting Crows poster? No way that's the lead singer Adam Duritz?!? He looks like Andrew Dice Clay and Lou Reed had a love child. (yes, I saw the Lou Reed t-shirt.. :laugh:
Sorry ............ Close but incorrect. :( (He's not a singer)
Acchhh. You're hint, the Counting Crows poster? No way that's the lead singer Adam Duritz?!? He looks like Andrew Dice Clay and Lou Reed had a love child. (yes, I saw the Lou Reed t-shirt.. :laugh:

Very good, I'll give it to ya. YES, you are CORRECT!!! It in fact IS Adam Duritz.
Back in the day it was news worthy that he dated BOTH Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox. I guess people assumed they were way out of his league, but you never know unless you try. You'd be surprised.
I honestly didn't even notice that clue until after I was looking at the pics I posted a little closer. DOH .....

Adam1.jpg . . . Adam2.jpg

JACC.jpg . . . CC1.jpg
