Greetings from Olympia, WA!

Thank you grandma. No not a native... I originally hail from the midwest...but retired from Ft Lewis in 1996. Without a doubt, the northwest is the most glorious portion in the US. My humble opinion of course.
greetings, Cedrus! Are you native Washingtonian, or just passing thru this 2nd half of your life? Several other 'talk members are out there -
It is a beautiful state with a wide variety of climates, geology..... Enjoy it, maybe meet up with some of the others.:cool:

The gurus here won't give advice, but their insights are are out-of-sight! Enjoy your time here...:D
Hi all...Not a huge retirement...and that is my question: Should I roll over my Intel 401K into the TSP and try for this goal...a second retirement at 5 years and age 62 or would it just be a tiny amount and really not worth the effort?
Hi cedrus, I would leave the two seperate. Since INTEL pays for administration of the fund, leave it there. Maybe use that TSP for Lump Sum withdrawal for a nice vacation or cool ride.
A side note: I am in good shape and am willing to work for a number of more years but just not as a guard, thus I am looking hard at this idea of early retirement from the Fed. Going to another job from here might not pay as much or have the benefits but there are stress factors, time with family, etc., that counter the move. Thanks for any input!
Welcome to the boards, great to see you're on track for retirement, or sort of.
See ya around!


New member
Hi all...just found this great site. Retired Army here and now working as a Federal Security Guard at the base hospital for the last three years. I am not particularly savvy when it comes to money but am saving the basic 7% with the matching fund thing. I have a Fidelity 401k that a previous employer (Intel) operates in their (2015 Fund) which has been awesome and Intel handles the operating fees. Thus, I have not rolled it over to TSP...still researching this idea. I believe I have 75% G, 20% C and 5% S at present in TSP...hope to get an idea from this site on a better choices of course. Just turned 61...not sure I really want to/or am able to pursue this armed guard gig too much longer. If I put in two more years, I will have 5 years with the Federal Government and I will be over age 62 and qualified for retirement. Not a huge retirement...and that is my question: Should I roll over my Intel 401K into the TSP and try for this goal...a second retirement at 5 years and age 62 or would it just be a tiny amount and really not worth the effort? A side note: I am in good shape and am willing to work for a number of more years but just not as a guard, thus I am looking hard at this idea of early retirement from the Fed. Going to another job from here might not pay as much or have the benefits but there are stress factors, time with family, etc., that counter the move. Thanks for any input!