Greenspan is a communist!


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It never fails to amaze me that when everything costs me more the Feds say they need to raise the rates so I can pay even more.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am down by about $4,000.00 of the money I invested in the TSP G,C,S funds since the 31st of March. Where is all the growth and the great economy Greenspan is trying to control. If I am losing money that I put in and not earning any interest either there is something wrong with the picture that the economy is supposedly doing so damn good!

I have used Excel to produce charts since the 31st of March on a daily basis and guess what, everybody is losing money in the markets. Overbought/undersold,

trend lines, etc., Bull, we are getting ripped off while the Greenspan pinko's are balancing our dollar against the EURO. I now understand how there can be so many people who would consider Kerry for president.
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That's funny. I thought I saw the market go UP on this news of raised rates!

Besides, ya don't turn a train around quickly. Give it time.

And if you're still contributing like me, would you rather be buyingshares at HIGH prices?

UP and DOWN is good for me and I'm having fun.

If you need access to your money in the near future, then you should be in the G fund where you have no angst... nor loss... nor potential for profit! :D
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Major_investor wrote:
no angst...
As if I didn't have enough of that already...I got an overdose last week. :X

My source of calcium is now Tums. These things are pretty tasty.
"Would you rather buy high..?"
That is one way to look at it and for long-term, that is the way to look at it. :!


Make no mistake: the threat of Kerry :sis the biggest cause of the market'suncertainty.
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I don't know what the market has to fear from Kerry, provided that the GOP retains control of Congress. The strongest economic growth in the nation's history occurred during a Democratic presidency w/ a Republican Congress (Clinton, 1994-2000).

Rolo, I see the crux of that long-term message... although it feels odd to think that a stagnant / dropping market is good in any context. I guess I'd rather be buying my fund shares in this environment than at the tail end of the raging bull market in the late '90s...

Speaking to the topic: Greenspan is not a commie. :P
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Oldman wrote:
I have used Excel to produce charts since the 31st of March on a daily basis and guess what, everybody is losing money in the markets. Overbought/undersold,

trend lines, etc., Bull, we are getting ripped off while the Greenspan pinko's are balancing our dollar against the EURO. I now understand how there can be so many people who would consider Kerry for president.
I'm still up about 10% for the year even after "losing" 4.28% since July 19th. Plus, I haven't sold my shares of the S fund yet so when I actually do, I should be higher than 10%. :P
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Mike wrote:
The strongest economic growth in the nation's history occurred during a Democratic presidency w/ a Republican Congress (Clinton, 1994-2000).
Ya! Thanks to Algore inventing the Internet. :D

True, Congress kept the Bubbas from reeking too much havoc on our nation. I think that growth has more to do with technological advancements than anything else. Besides, we're talking about sentiment here, which impactsthe bottom line. Would you have an outing with dark clouds overhead, or would you rather wait for a clear day? Whether it actually rains or not is moot.
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Hey Major_investor did you catch what the market did today?

You might take a look at , you can chart the past performance of the markets. I can't say I am having any fun when I see the investors suffering and everytime the market tries to recover, Greenspan speaks and down it goes. I believe the up day before his speach was merely speculation that he wasn't going to raise rates, however, the Feds will make their money and there goes ours.

If anyone thinks they are making money in this market they are either a fool or they have a crystal ball. There has been no way of predicting enough in advance what the outcome of the days results are going to be by the time we have to make a change.

Just remember if you buy shares at a low value you probably sold something else at a loss. Buy high-sell low. I cannot figure out how you are having fun.
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Mike, have another beer.

The downturn in the market was caused by the Clinton era or did you miss that part of the news by watching NBC,CBS. Crooked CEO's inflating profits statements was part of the "define what is is" attitude in the market place. Now that the truth is out there is a lot of folks being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Clinton only got caught with his in Monica.
