Government Shutdown and the TSP


Well-known member
I apologize for posting this here, still having difficulty navigating around the forums.
Looks like it is done deal, question is how long will it take to implement & how will that work. Does not impact me but it would my mother.
Once it is signed probably 2-3 months. I know when I applied for social security, they sent what my numbers where before and after WEP. I wouldn't think it would take too long. It would be a few hundred more a month for me.
Alright folks - 48 hour warning to the next government shutdown.

I’m watching tv today- looks like Dems on the Senate are not going to go for the House passed bill. Of that is true- we get at least a weekend long shutdown, as the House has gone home already.

Could be we start the weekend with a shutdown. What will stocks do? Do they sink more- do we think Friday close move into stocks is good? Or bad?
By the way- this just in. In the Senate Hallway, a Senator yelled “This isn’t a normal shutdown! “ and “ He’s gonna declare an emergency!”

Dem Sen Heard Yelling: 'This Will Not Be A Normal Shutdown'​

One senator, who was identified by reporters at other outlets as Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), was heard shouting at her colleagues from inside the meeting room that they are “complicit in the shutdown,” and imploring them to recognize that this “will not be a normal shutdown.”

“The VA will not be functioning,” the senator said. “The various NIH trials … will be shut down.”

“He will declare a state of emergency,” the senator told her colleagues, seemingly referring to a potential action President Trump might take if Congress does not pass a spending bill before the government runs out of funding midnight Friday.

The republicans and democrats are switching talking points (exchanging scripts) from the prior budget deadline. It's all a charade.
Yeah, but this time I'm pretty scared. If there's a shutdown, agencies have to decide who's "essential" (or now days, excepted). Does this make Musk's job super-easy? He'll (wrongly) come out and say, "see? they only need 20% to run the agencies. RIF the folks who were not excepted.

We had our meetings today about shutting down payments, support, etc.

As much as the democrats are trying to stick up for us feds, I just don't think a shutdown will bode well for us.
Whichever way it goes it's not good for the federal worker or almost any American. We are screwed either way.
The Democrats have big issues and make some big mistakes.
What bothers me most are how the Republicans have given and ceded their responsibility to the American people to this administration.
Ok- Senate breaks for the evening. No deals made.

That puts it back on the Senate to come up with something.

Note to Tom: this “flip the script” isn’t going to go smoothly, because, if nothing else, Dems are rusty at cliffhangers. I’m pretty sure it’s going to fall apart tomorrow, the weekend will be a mess, and they’ll come back next week having to try and fix it. Might be a while.

I’m going to get the fishing rods ready. I’ve be off the lake next week. It’s gonna be a weird week however it develops.

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Not that this means anything, because it's a little short-sighted, but the futures are up fairly big this evening (modest in relation today's losses) so at least there's no sign of panic after the no deal adjournment.
