Gaetaone Account Talk

Hi heard Cranberry Juice (yuk) is excellant as well. It is also recomended
by doctors to battle Urinary Track Infections. Please feel better !
I suggest go to your physician or an ER where you can get an injection of morphine to relieve the pain and then make an appointment with someone that may operate a lithotripter that will pulverize the stones with shock waves while you sit in a bath of water.
I suggest go to your physician or an ER where you can get an injection of morphine to relieve the pain and then make an appointment with someone that may operate a lithotripter that will pulverize the stones with shock waves while you sit in a bath of water.
Birch most hospitals only do that if there is no possibility of reducing and passing the stones naturally. Two co workers within the last month went to emergency room and were sent home with that advice. Apparently it depends on size and TYPE whether or not they treat in-hospital. Also, the hospital and doctor have a lot to do with it - some may treat all cases in-hospital.
The best preventive measure for kidney rocks is to drink lots of water a day..64 oz. minimum.
that's important in keeping the system flushed...but if you are a known "stone former" water isn't going to prevent stone formation. Only treating the cause of the stones and changing the environment will do that. Acidifying the urine is the best preventive measure, depending on the type of stone. Cranberry juice, other citrus juice, apple cider vinegar.
that's important in keeping the system flushed...but if you are a known "stone former" water isn't going to prevent stone formation. Only treating the cause of the stones and changing the environment will do that. Acidifying the urine is the best preventive measure, depending on the type of stone. Cranberry juice, other citrus juice, apple cider vinegar.
Maybe..But if you keep the total dissolved solids diluted with water, it will help prevent the minerals from concentrating into a solid...

BTW..I have been quenching my nighttime thirst with Pomagranite juice..also good for the urinary track.
Maybe..But if you keep the total dissolved solids diluted with water, it will help prevent the minerals from concentrating into a solid...

BTW..I have been quenching my nighttime thirst with Pomagranite juice..also good for the urinary track.
Actually a large volume of liquid doesn't keep minerals from concentrating into a solid - especially if the cause is a bacterial infection. You ever grow a salt or sugar crystal in a jar of salt or sugar water?
Maybe..But if you keep the total dissolved solids diluted with water, it will help prevent the minerals from concentrating into a solid...

BTW..I have been quenching my nighttime thirst with Pomagranite juice..also good for the urinary track.
Yes any citrus juice is a great preventive. Unless you tend to form the type of stone that likes acidic environments. That's why it's imperative to get an analysis if stones continue to form after the first episode.:)
Actually a large volume of liquid doesn't keep minerals from concentrating into a solid - especially if the cause is a bacterial infection. You ever grow a salt or sugar crystal in a jar of salt or sugar water?

When you keep the solution constant, the crystals will begin to form below the temperature they would precipitate out at..salts and sugars are inverse soluble to temperature and H20 other words, raise the temp or H2O of the solution and salts and sugars will stay in suspension....Unlike calcium's and carbonates, which make up the majority of the Kidney stones and they are not salt or sugars, otherwise our body's blood and fluids would be one massive salt and sugar crystal..So, if you increase the H2O solution while the calcium's and minerals remain constant, they will stay in solution and get pee'd away.
When you keep the solution constant, the crystals will begin to form below the temperature they would precipitate out at..salts and sugars are inverse soluble to temperature and H20 other words, raise the temp or H2O of the solution and salts and sugars will stay in suspension....Unlike calcium's and carbonates, which make up the majority of the Kidney stones and they are not salt or sugars, otherwise our body's blood and fluids would be one massive salt and sugar crystal..So, if you increase the H2O solution while the calcium's and minerals remain constant, they will stay in solution and get pee'd away.
wow another chemist or biologist in our midst!;)
Exactly. The calcium and minerals don't remain constant - it depends on intake, and when other factors like function and bacteria are involved, the minerals don't get excreted, they concentrate no matter how large the fluid intake. Those little buggers alter the environment to suit themselves.
wow another chemist or biologist in our midst!;)
Naw..Just been working with water treatment and analysis for the past 30 years...the body is nothing more than a water/chemical processing factory...What goes in, must come out..basically;)
He really needs an IVP to see what kind of trouble he could be involved with - don't waste time and go see a physcian.
I agree. Proper diagnosis is required for proper treatment, especially if large stones are involved and more continue to form.:worried:
Thank you everyone:)

Went to my friendly neighborhood urologist yesterday, did some tests, and got the prognosis. 2 shots of the good stuff, pain meds for home, antibiotics and some other stuff that supposed to help things along. Can feel great one moment and then be on the floor the next. Heaven help me I haven't made the mistake of telling my sweetheart that it's worse than child birth yet..... Doc warned me this wasn't a good move. Trying to be the opposite of a male not feeling well. Birch, the warning is that if the copius amount of water and cranberry juice I'm ingesting stops coming out I get to use my excellent Gov insurance and get them blasted. As long as they keep moving I'm following insurance protocol....

I keep thinking of Kramer at the circus....

Thanks for all of the advice, it's much appreciated!!

If it's a really big one, the worst is yet to come....wait until it gets to the "end" of the UT. You ain't felt nothing yet - keep those pain meds handy.;):blink:
And don't forget to pee through the strainer too...Souvenirs ya know:D

Good Luck, I hope it all comes out okay...
Heaven help me it's worse than child birth .... [/quote]

2 quick things: Heaven help me reminds me of a Hendrix tune (thanks)

The pain of a Kidney Stone is about the worse you can get. That you saw the Specialist is very good and hopefully by this time it's in the bladder (where it won't hurt) or out altogether.

CorMaGa34 - really does know her stuff - as stones can recur it would be worthwhile to follow up with her.

Anway - GL - hope you're feeling better