Gaetaone Account Talk


My first post... Thank you for allowing me to look read/study/absorb etc. all of your comments over the past month or so. It's been educational and fun.... :)
Everyone have a great and safe Thanksgiving Weekend. Thank you for being here and for all that you do. You're a special bunch of people and I appreciate all that you're teaching me.:)
TSP Web Site appeaers to be having some trouble. Processing my allocation change took a bit longer than usual. Suggest not waiting until very last minute or it may not get in.

Happy Holidays


VIXis at 12.85 having risen 1.70. My thought is to wait a little closer to the deadline and see what it does. Looks like it's time to duck and cover though.
Happy Friday the 13th....

Too weird... for a brief moment EFA, ^GSPC and ^DWCPF were all at .13 Is this a good omen?

The VIX is down to 12.38 which we haven't seen in a while. Hopefully this bears well for the next week.

Not sure if everyone else has received their new TSP Number. I hadn't received mine and was able to have them fax it to me this morning. If you're still waiting it might be a better way to go....

I wanted to thank everyone for puting up a great fight. I know if there's an opportunity in the future to push it again the effort will be there.

I don't post a lot because I always figure that when I'm not in the 50th percentile on the smart scale it's better to shut up, get out of the way, and follow the talent. Over the past few years it's been incredible watching the various strategies soar. Pointman on his "S" run, Ebb on his uncanny way of hitting pretty much every call on the head (this is a long horse race and I'm betting that Ebb is first at the finish line), Griffin, James, Show Me, G Gal, Rokid, Fundsurfer, Gilligan, Birchtree and everyone else. I also can't forget our new meteoric results from todays leaders on the board. You can't even imagine how many people your knowledge has benefitted. Thanks for being here!!

It is what it is and the new rules are on the door step. How do we take two moves and the safety of the G to get in close to the bottom, get out close to the top, and avoid most of the crashes?

My current thought is to start in stocks and as dips approach move incrementally to the G depending upon the verocity of the bear. When the funds soar and there's still bad news about it's time to get out completely. When it appears we're a lot lower and it's time to buy in then back we go. The F fund is probably out of the equation except for prolonged drives. It just can't produce the results over the long term that the others can and now every IFT is precious.

What's everyone thinking? I'm looking forward to seeing the talents of this board continue to spank our TSP Board's dismal expectations.

Raise a glass everyone and toast yourselves!! Nut gets to raise two!! Thanks for letting me hang out here.

Wanted to wish everyone a great week be it in capital preservation or in gains. As one who listens to everyone and is still learning, I find it useful to use It seems like in the past they've been early or late by a few days but with the 2 IFT limit they may be more effective for our use now. Here's a few links I like to keep an eye on.$SPX Buy Sell Buy Buy Just for fun... CNBC Challenge

Happy Hunting

bbq pig is this kind of how you cook yours line bottem with gravel burn alot of wood then more gravel ? we was going to cover with foil and then chicken wire of course i dug the pit 2 nights ago been raining since:confused:i have a tarp on it but i am sure i will be pumping water out by saturday
thanks for any tips
bbq pig is this kind of how you cook yours line bottem with gravel burn alot of wood then more gravel ? we was going to cover with foil and then chicken wire of course i dug the pit 2 nights ago been raining since:confused:i have a tarp on it but i am sure i will be pumping water out by saturday
thanks for any tips

try this link.

The BBQ pit is on of the earliest methods of slow cooking meat. Traditionally for whole pork barbecuing but also used for beef and chicken as well. Much different than grilling, the barbecue pit slow cooks and smokes meat so it is tender and delicious. Today there are many modern alternatives to the traditional barbecue pit but the real thing is something to be savored. The idea is to make an oven in the ground. A barbecue pit is filled with dry wood to make a bed of hot coals and wet wood is used to create a smoky flavor while it cooks. Since the pit is covered when cooking the smoke and heat are concentrated, cooking the meat until tender, tasty and wonderful. Pit barbecuing takes approximately 8 to 10 hours so you may want to start in the morning or even the evening before. If you are going to be eating at noon you may want to start the night before and letting your meat barbecue overnight and uncovering around noon the next day.

Make a BBQ Pit

If you are planning on barbecuing a whole or halved cow or pig you will need to dig a whole wide enough to accommodate the size of whatever you are barbecuing. A basic pit could be 3 feet square including the depth.
You will also need a cover for the pit. A piece of tin or plywood will work fine.
Fill the whole about 3/4 full of dry hickory chunks and light it on fire. This will make a bed of coals about 1 1/2 feet thick , maybe more. This will take a while, maybe 2 hours, so you will have time to prepare your ribs, roasts, briskets, chickens or whatever you are going to barbecue.
Take prepared meat that you are preparing to place in your barbecue pit and wrap each cut or beef, pork, chicken or fish tightly in brown paper and then wrap in two layers of wet newspaper.
When you have a hot bed of coals take a shovel and level the bed of coals into an even cooking surface. Add wet hickory, aspen, apple or other smoking woods in a loose layer on top of the bed of coals in the barbecue pit. This will create a barrier between the hot coals and create a smoky flavor the bbq as it cooks.
Place the lid on the pit and cover with the dirt you dug out of the bbq pit. Make sure no smoke is escaping the bbq pit and relax. Leave the pit sealed for at least 6 to 8 hours or longer if you want. Since the barbecue pit is self contained you will not have to worry about anything drying out.
When the pit is ready to be opened and the meal served you will need to remove the dirt you sealed the pit with and remove the lid. Wearing oven mitts and moving quickly, remove the meat from the pit. Once the pit is open there is a chance the hot embers will flair up. Any flames must be extinguished immediately. So proceed with caution. The brown paper wrapper should still be wet and when you unwrap the meat it will be warm and juicy.
This is bbq that is worth trying once, you will be hooked forever. There is nothing like it.

Here's another one, slightly different method, lining pit with bricks/blocks:
Off any financial topics what so ever.....

Does anyone have any remedies for minimizing kidney stones? I'm putting up a for sale sign to get rid of one or more... $*$%#&*$#:mad:

Off any financial topics what so ever.....

Does anyone have any remedies for minimizing kidney stones? I'm putting up a for sale sign to get rid of one or more... $*$%#&*$#:mad:


Hi, John,

If they are small enough that you can pass them, there is a natural remedy I would use made out of extra virgin olive oil and pure lemon juice. Let me know if interested, and I will PM you additional info, including possibly what not to eat during those days when your system is trying to flush them. Of course, lots of water and cranberry juice are a must.

Good luck!

Acidify the urine. Drink apple cider vinegar in water. Cranberry juice is a well-known preventive remedy. Eat more citrus fruits, drink more CITRUS fruit juices (lemonade) sans sugar.

It's also important to know what TYPE of stone you are trying to treat. Some are caused by UTI (urinary tract infections). In that case, you have to treat the infection with antibiotics as well as acidify the urine to make the environment inhospitable to the bacteria.