G-fund one cent increases


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Does anyone know when the G fund posts the 1 cent increases. It seems the number of days vary from 4 to 6 and then post the penny but the pattern is not regular??:cool:
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Welcome bestbuy! My guess is that the "interest" rate changes slightly on a daily basis and that is why it is not consistant. Once the ratehas move high enough to give us a penny, we get it.Sometimes it's5 days, sometimes 7 etc. As interest rates rise, it should becloser to the 4 to 6 day range.
imported post

Thanks for the info about the G fund penny increase. TSP TOM said it seems to be a somewhat random pattern of 5 day-6 days which is not always exact.:D
imported post

Not really random. A simplified example of my guess on how it works, and I could be completelywrong, would be if we got .30 of a penny each day so after 3 days we have .90 of a penny and on the 4th day we'd get the penny in our account with a .20 left over. In three days we'd add another .90 and see another penny with .10 left over.

So in that example we'd get the penny on the fourth day, followed by the third day. That's kind of how I've envisioned it but as I said, I could be wrong.
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Do you know why our bi-weekly contributions are not posted on a regular basis... it seems around every 10 days but not exactly... What is your guess ? :*
